Geese at Our House
I just thought I'd share this Spring afternoon's adventures.
I saw these geese earlier in the day, as I was driving away, and made a mental note to look later when I was home. (in hopes of getting some great photos) And I knew that I'd forget. My memory/brain, whatever you wanna call it, leaves me stranded at times. But, 'lo and behold, as I was out hanging laundry on the line... which I absolutely adore in the summer. * It saves on the power bill for one. * But can you imagine laying your head on these sheets at night? * Ahhhhh...the fresh smell is addictive
Anyway, I have no clue what made me remember, but I did. I grabbed my camera and big lens and headed out front.
I took these before I got very close. Just in case they left.
They weren't too nervous about me though, and I wound up getting pretty close
They kind of milled in and out of the water, just lazing around, while I wandered around, trying to not to make them nervous
I have to admit, this one took me back to childhood memories of being attacked by geese. Usually it was my own fault though, and now that I think of it, if this one had attacked, THIS was gonna be my fault also. Imagine the hissing. Those of you that have heard it, you know the sound.
Then I spotted the little goslings. ohhhhhhhhh how cute!
When you're looking thru a camera lens, it's easy to not know how close you are to something. I can't tell you how many times, I've been nearly run over by a horse or kid, cause they seemed further away than they actually were. Same with this Goose. I was only about 3 feet away. Perfectly within attacking distance.
For the most part, they seemed ok with me .... realized I was just 'hanging around'
These are terribly cute eh?
This one followed me for a few steps, so I took a photo, and went back home
This is the entry to my back yard
I hope you all have a great weekend! Go see what's out there to see!
- -- Posted by gfhorses on Sat, May 25, 2013, at 7:31 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sat, May 25, 2013, at 9:26 AM
- -- Posted by Darksc8p on Sun, May 26, 2013, at 3:22 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, May 26, 2013, at 3:46 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, May 28, 2013, at 7:09 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, May 28, 2013, at 10:52 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Wed, May 29, 2013, at 9:52 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, May 29, 2013, at 2:11 PM
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