Do what you like, and Never work a day in Your Life
I love that quote.
Do what you Love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do that. I'm not, for one. Don't get me wrong, I mostly love all the "Hats" I wear. I work with kids during the day, and it's a work in progress that I truly love. As time goes by, I've found some things that have changed over the years. Not the kids really, but the way they are raised. And the "smart" new ways that we "do things" for/with them. There are times I could chew quarters and spit nails, I'm so aggravated at the "system" I keep doing it, because I believe in giving a 'positive' word to the kids, right along with Saying "NO" and meaning it. Another saying I love is
Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
For the love of everything good in the world, it's really so very simple. But somewhere along the lines, those simple basic things have been lost. Now we coddle and pamper, give in to tantrums praise half hearted sullen attitudes. I have somehow not made those changes and I'm not really planning to in my lifetime. I plan to leave a Legacy of my own, of strict parenting in my children and grandchildren. And I'm pretty assured in that, though I"m about as strict a Gramma as anyone has ever seen, I pretty OK knowing that my kids, grandkids, and eventually great grandchildren will remember the FUN they had with me, more than they remember anything else.
My son sent me a text one time, that was such a simple thing, yet made my whole day. It went something like
"Thanks for NOT being that Mom in the Maverick right now, in greasy, too tight, gross sweat pants, screaming out of a hateful face surrounded by greasy stringy hair at her kids" I cherished that moment that I read that, and knew that he was now an adult that appreciated that I NEVER let my kids go to town in sweat or pajamas, with peanut butter all over their faces.
Anyway, this blog was not to bash others who's methods I disapprove of, but to show some good hard work ethic that Bonnie's blog talked about a couple days ago. She mentioned that kids these days rarely have to work for much, and I really agree. Lost is "work for what you want" attitude. And play hard! Not on an XBox, but outside in the dirt and sun, maybe get hurt a bit but be proud to show those wounds. Cuz you darn well earned them.
This was what we did last Friday, when school was out.
Here are Wayne, Bryce and Jilly going to Wrangle the horses so we can brand my calves.
Here are the horses, coming to get to work
The sorrel horse to the left, is Sammy. We got him a few years ago, and he's pretty darn magnificent looking. Then there is Darren, who used to belong to Darren Hegerhorst (Grandview)
Here is Jilly warming up her horse. She's all hunkered down as if it is real cold. But she's been out in way colder than that. It's all in your mind
Bringing up the back of the herd is Craig, Wayne's little brother. I don't believe he's been on a horse in awhile, so I gave him mine.
Cowboy Bryce
Callie is Craig's daughter. Just finished her first year of college. So, there are two generations here. Doing a job they love, and will continue for the rest of their lives, I"m gonna bet.
Obviously, it's warmed up quite a bit.
I didn't know at the time, but Callie had never roped horseback before. Marshmallow took care of another newbie. Jilly loaned her her horse for a bit. Whilst Craig ropes off mine
Some of you may know this man. He's been doing this same job for over 40 years (more probably, but I"m not gonna give his age!) Loves what he does
Bryce got to ride his 1st calf this day. I"m not exactly sure what he was thinking about this moment, but his stories of the experience are awesome!
His face is starting to crack a smile here. * One important thing here is...make sure they don't get hurt this first time. He will NEVER forget this experience. And in his mind, he rode that calf, with his hand up high, for long moments! And he can't wait to do it again. His confidence is right where it should be. At 4 years old, this is an experience of a lifetime, that he'll never forget, and he can build many more experiences on this one .... and he's lucky enough that he'll get many many more. In his mind, he can do anything
Not to favor boys more than girls or anything, we make sure everyone gets a chance. She needs to have the same confidence, doesn't she? It's a dog eat dog world out there, and already many think boys are rougher and tougher than girls. * er....I beg to differ! *
Kids these days have enough people to demean them, and make them feel 'less'.... they need all the confidence in themselves to be able to ignore them and just believe in themselves.
They have totally forgotten that Grandpa Wayne had them carefully. They were NOT going to get hurt. In their memory, they did it on their own. That is perfect
Everyone has a job at a branding. Jilly's today, was to be vaccinations. Grandpa is bringing her two of the 'guns' she will be operating.
Again, you have to "be there" for them. Explain how it's done, and "show" them. She was nervous about this. But he's right there, hand on hers, so she can "feel" how it needs to be done. The rest of the time, I was there watching, but she did it herself.
Bryce hanging out with Uncle Craig, and Beamer, the horse
I really really like this horse. This is just a classic Quarter Horse.
Jilly roped her first calf too, on this day. This calf was just born, and we didn't brand him. He did need vaccinations though, so he got the littlest roper since he was the littlest calf.
At the end of the day, the littlest Cowboy Rides away
Everyone is dirty, and tired, hot and sweaty. But the job got done, and the calves are ready for summer.
THESE kids WILL know hard work, and harder Play.
Personally, I think they look pretty darn happy and satisfied with the day's experiences, don't you? Certainly none the worse for the wear. Happy with hard work, and a job well done.
- -- Posted by Evan on Thu, May 2, 2013, at 9:35 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, May 2, 2013, at 10:24 PM
- -- Posted by justjessie on Thu, May 2, 2013, at 10:45 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, May 2, 2013, at 11:15 PM
- -- Posted by CaliforniaCountry on Thu, May 2, 2013, at 11:40 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 7:13 AM
- -- Posted by TundraRat on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 7:57 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 3:58 PM
- -- Posted by Brenda Fincher Publisher MHNews on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 4:30 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 6:37 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 6:39 PM
- -- Posted by wh67 on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 8:33 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, May 3, 2013, at 10:13 PM
- -- Posted by TundraRat on Mon, May 6, 2013, at 7:18 AM
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