Easter Fun
I'm not gonna say much, really. The pictures speak for themselves I believe. If you've read my blogs before, You know I love a good "Get Together" with people I love. That's family, friends, friends who've become family, family who've become friends. That's the ticket for them all to be the same. I'm lucky that my family is a group of my very best friends, and my friends have become family, making my circle of friends ever larger.
We start with a BBQ as usual, BBQing home raised beef of course. Flame broiled, yes indeed! Can't you just smell it?
(I got a new lens that as yet I'd been too intimidated to bring out, but today was it's "maiden voyage" so to speak, and I'm loving it!) Many of these photos are actually my camera and lens in Evan's hands. I had it over a week before this and regret every photo I didn't use it for. I'm looking forward to the year with my new toys!
My Dad is still one of the biggest little boys around, and the kids all love to show him what they're getting into!
We had an Air Show, compliments of KT. I have to kind of apologize to his wife, for my son getting him hooked on RC toys. But they do have such fun!
These are two of my favorite girls. * Donna is ...well, some of you know who she is. *
Jessica is my favorite Daughter in Law ...I couldn't have chosen better if I'd had the smarts to try.
My Mom and Jilly. Mom is one of those Grandmas everyone should have. Ready for a hug and a smile, ALL THE TIME. I wanna be just like her when I grow up!
What were the odds that Jilly would eventually take a camera in hand and start photographing? She shows great promise already! Marshmallow is gently begging for some attention from her round headed friend. But ever so gently, and Jilly trusts her completely. You'll often see Jilly concentrating hard, and the tongue tells the story. Hopefully she doesn't bite it right off some day!
These are the flowers my favorite Daughter brought me. * They were perfect, ...again, if any of you know me, Pink is it!
My two sons are a great Joy to my life. * Joey came home from college to spend Easter with his family. * And he loves to revert to being the Child within. * Evan as usual, takes his hand to the camera..... Wonder where he got that from? *
Another daughter brought over our little Twin granddaughters to share the day. * These little firecrackers are a huge Joy to us too...we see them often, and always look forward to more.
The day ends with a successful Easter Hunt and Fun had by all. I hope everyone of yours was as Spectacular as ours was. The day was sure a Blessing in itself.
And I like to always remind the Children, though the bunnies and the Egg Hunts are fun, .... Remember why we do this? *
He is Risen
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Apr 8, 2013, at 7:15 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Apr 8, 2013, at 7:53 AM
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