Thankful part III
This year, I will Thankfully celebrate my first Thanksgiving as Mrs. Wayne Lehto. I love the name, all that goes along with it, but I have to admit, I forget sometimes. I was Jessie Miller for so many years. Longer than I was Jessie Clark. I'm thankful that I was lucky enough to be married to 2 men that I can respect. Though it didn't, in the end, work out for my first husband and I, I have respect for him in many ways. I'm thankful beyond measure to be able to now be married to what I consider, "The Love of My Life" yes….I know that that sounds so gushy/mushy/cliché, but, hey, it's my life, and my blog, and that's the way I see it! Everyone should be so lucky and also, lucky enough to 'realize' it. Some people have a great life, but are too busy looking for 'something else'? There is plenty to worry about in these days… just watch the news to see and learn about it. But if you go ahead and take a deep breath, and look at what is already yours for the appreciation…. Life is Good. I've always had the support of the best Mom and Dad that I could imagine, Brother and Sisters who were able to fight/squabble and love with the best…. and children who blessed me with God's greatest gift…Grandchildren to love and torture to their little heart's delight. Adding to it, a man who loves me, and shares the love of everything I cherish…. well, what's not to appreciate? He is giving of his time, and his strengths…. I look forward to many many years of happiness with him.
We'll be doing our celebration this year, at Evan and Jessica's new house. This is their 1st Thanksgiving at their new place. I'm thankful to them, and for them, that they are hosting dinner this year. Jessica being married to Evan is one of my "Greatest Blessings" She brings to him a wholeness that is so good to see. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter in law than I've been gifted with. She is generous beyond measure and good to her core. She survived Cancer at a young age, and came out on top, when everyone told her it was basically hopeless. Even hearing those words would defeat a lesser person, but not her. She rose to the occasion and created more occasions along the way. This year, (last month) she had another birthday of what she calls her Rebirth. Being free of cancer. Thank God, for saving this life line and sharing her with my family.
The things to appreciate in life, tomorrow and all days, is love of God, who gave us our lives, family and ability to appreciate the 'tiny' things in life.
I hope as everyone sits down tomorrow to appreciate a beautiful meal before you, take a moment to bow your heads …hold hands, and sincerely think of each person sitting next to you, across from you…all around the table. Remember those that are no longer here, but with you in spirit always, or those that couldn't be with you. They will be hopefully sitting at a table, and sending the same mirrored thoughts of love back to you. Don't just go through the "motions" but look inside your heart and feel it.
Don't waste a moment by not appreciating EACH moment that you have.
Happy Thanksgiving
P.S. !!! Don't waste your time Shopping on Black Thursday! LOL
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, Nov 25, 2012, at 8:09 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Nov 26, 2012, at 7:54 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Nov 26, 2012, at 6:30 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Dec 10, 2012, at 8:07 AM
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