I met Charlene about 4 years ago, in Fort Worth Texas. We were both there because of a mutual love for horses and all things horse. What had prompted both of our trips, was the Ray Hunt Memorial, that was being held in Texas. If you've read much of my blog, you have heard/read of Ray before. Ray had died a year before, leaving a Legacy that so many others will continue to live up to. This event was Internationally known, and we met so many people there, and met again many that we already knew. Charlene and I met there and over the 3 days of the Memorial, kind of kept running into one another, which in itself, was a bit odd, as there were so many people there, and the Event Center was huge. We sat and talked a few times, and exchanged names, and emails. I had doodled her email on a scratch of paper in my camera bag. I meant to email her, but chances of me finding that email later, and remembering and taking the time to do it, were slim. But, a few weeks later, I did. Found it, and even remembered who it was for, and that I wanted to keep in touch! So, I emailed her, and as they say, the rest is history! We kept in touch over the next 2 years, and became Facebook friends. Somewhere along the line we exchanged phone numbers, and have texted and chatted and after awhile, it seemed as if I really knew her. I did know her. She saw lots of photos of my family via Facebook, and I saw lots of her family too. We have a lot in common, deep love of family and children, grand children. Concerns about our children, and other matters too. We have the same political opinions, and basic thoughts on life in general. While she has horses, she doesn't have a 'ranch' type background and became fascinated by what my photos depicted. So, naturally, I invited her to come and stay a few days with us. I had no reservations about this, I knew it was a great idea. She had none either, and plans started slowly formulating. We talked about when would be good, and it wasn't easy due to both of us having busy lives. But we knew it was going to happen! This talk started over a year ago. In the mean time, last February we were all planning to go to "The Legacy of Legends" in Vegas. This is a tribute also to Tom Dorrance, and Ray Hunt. Wayne and I rode up with Carolyn, so we were there a couple days before the 'audience" …working. Charlene got there the day before the event was to start. And though I hadn't "seen" her in 2+ years, when I saw her, it was obvious. Maybe that sounds cliché, but it's true. She had even changed her hair color a bit, but I knew it was her. Immediately we began chitter chattering as if we'd left off 'yesterday' Off we went exploring the Arena and catching up. She had come with friends from Georgia too, and I had responsibilities, so we didn't spend a lot of time together, but she was there during my wedding, taking photos. And we had dinner the last night we were all there. She also gifted Wayne and I with a most beautiful, Leather bound ….. intricately carved wedding photo frame. I treasure that immensely! Sharon came to my wedding also, so having Sharon, Carolyn and Charlene stand with me during my wedding…well, to marry my husband, that was special.
After Vegas, our plans accelerated. We talked more and more about her coming and riding with us, learning what we do, and riding the open hills. If you know how Georgia is, you know there aren't mountains and dessert like we have here. She was so fascinated by this! It came down to August. Then Carolyn invited her to the "Whistle Grin & Ride" Just about perfect! She decided to come for that, (she could ride Marshmallow) and arrive a few days early to be with us, and then we'd drive to Wyoming with Carolyn, and then afterward, she'd fly home.
Here she is in Vegas.
After my wedding, with Sharon
Her first ride in Idaho. Note the smoke that we had back in August.
We love finding cows peeking at us.
Fitting right in with my family.
Her First ride in Wyoming (Mine too!) Not everyone gets to ride right alongside Carolyn Hunt!
She took great care of Marshmallow. This was good for both of them!
She loves my Dorky Horses!
She is all about her family and not afraid to be a clown!
Simply Beautiful, Inside and Out
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Nov 6, 2012, at 8:43 PM
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