Play Days
Well, obviously, I haven't been blogging much. Again, since it's summer, I haven't been home much.
But I'm going to show a bit of what's been going on. I bet you can imagine, my grand children and horses have a lot to do with our summer.
Here are Wayne and I getting ready.
Our rules for these play days, are that there are no rules, per se. Safety is always a rule, but we don't time the events. There are no winners,...or more, Everyone is a winner. Kids can try to go fast, or they can go as slow as they are comfortable. It's for the kids to learn to have fun and be comfortable on their horse.
Jilly just loves anything to do with her horse.
Friends come to watch and sit and visit. Their support means so much to us!
These photos are from Last Wednesday. We're trying to have a play day each month.... we missed June, and this one was really the July play day, held on August 1st.
This young girl is ALWAYS always smiling!
My son brought the horse we raised from a new born. They look pretty handsome eh???
Julie is a friend of mine. She does actual professional barrel racing, so she brought her grand daughter, and her own horse to play ...
Do you suppose she loves her horse? She reminds me so much of my daughter, Katie. Nothing made Katie happier than moments on her horse. I can't fake this smile.... she's in Heaven, and I plan to keep her there.
One of the games, they have to carry a cup of water around the arena, without spilling it. They learn a bit of finesse this way.
Never too young to learn to be careful!
The ribbon race is always popular.... have to hold onto a ribbon that your partner has the other end.... so you have to stick together!
Wayne and Jilly going to work together
Grandma and granddaughter.
We plan to have one each month, til weather makes us quit. And I plan to remind you! Come watch these kids, and/or bring YOUR kids and their horses..... lead them thru if need be..... remember, no rules!
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Aug 7, 2012, at 7:22 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Aug 7, 2012, at 10:10 AM
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