Memorable Memorial Day
Everyone has someone to remember and Honor on Memorial Day, whether they realize it or not. Hopefully, we all cherish memories and hold them close to our hearts.
Memorial Day is definitely about Honoring the Military .... those gone and those still serving. They have helped to give us the ability to have the lives we lead, and leave to our Children.
I have family that I always think of. On their Birthdays, Holidays, and many other days. Grandparents who I loved and who made me feel cared for. Though I of course, miss them, from the time they left, it's not an agony that can't be born. I have friends who've gone ahead,.... but what really takes me to a place of my own, is longing for a Sister and my first born daughter. They are now together, and for me Memorial Day is really about them, and bringing my family that I can, together as often as I can. Family isn't just about 'blood' ties, but chosen 'ties' The following photos, show the 'ties' that I've chosen, and the ties that have always been.
I hope you Remembered Yours also
Some came early to ride.... and of course, they rode
Big brother giving little brother a ride
Wayne of course, has to torment children with 'accidental' water spray
Our front yard is ready to party!
Kind of happy with how the Cedar Siding is looking
And people start to arrive.... this is how to make memories, that you'll never have to say "I wish I'd spent more time with....."
Obviously, I like to take photos, but photos do more than just show what happened. They trap this moment in time, never to be forgotten.
Take photos!
The people in these photos, join several families, some by blood, some not. But the ties are permanent, either way.
Some of you know the people below. Al, Keith, Ardie, Jess, Sig, Mike, JoAnn
Father and Daughter
After eating, we all head to the back, to do some games and play.... making the day even more Memorable.
Evan roping Jilly, but she jumps like a rabbit right over the rope!
Keith (KT) being amazed at the size of the Gentle Giant, while about to be given an early Thanksgiving Goose by Marshmallow! Notice how we just take the picture without warning him.
The Bazookaman meeting Beamer & Marshmallow, note he isn't as enthralled maybe as I am, with them. heheheh
This is a photo capture "Red Handed" so to speak, of Bryce using a chair to be able to reach high enough to pick unripe Apricots out of my tree! I thought they'd been falling, but now.....note the "hanging head of the guilty"
A friend from High School....see ....I never let go
This KillDeer has a nest in the middle of my horse field. That is an egg under her, and she's all fluffed up, trying to get me to leave. But she didn't budge! I reached my finger out to show that I was that close, and I was a bit intimidated by her! Her Beak was aimed at my poor defenseless finger!
Yep, KT is BSing his father in law...I'm sure of it
Father & Daughter having a little bareback ride. This makes MY heart happy
Happy Friends. These 2 have had experiences (which give me experiences) in the last few weeks, which surely remind them how we shouldn't take Life for Granted. I love them both, and have spent some time in the Hospital with both of them recently. THESE are reasons to not "wait to get together"
Bryce just loves this water faucet..... LOL
I managed to rope Jilly by one foot.....
If you aren't making memories like these.... Get on it!
Not one of us related by blood.... but the ties just as permanent.
There is no way that Bryce doesn't know how loved he is. And he will remember these simple times of Appreciation.
Just as Jilly will, with her new friend.
Don't let these times slip by. It's summer time now, so it's the perfect time to plant a garden or some flowers, and watch them grown, with friends and family.
Sow the seeds now ... for a Lifetime of Memories
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, May 30, 2012, at 8:35 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, May 30, 2012, at 8:41 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, May 31, 2012, at 7:44 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, May 31, 2012, at 4:32 PM
- -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Thu, May 31, 2012, at 11:37 PM
- -- Posted by skeeter on Fri, Jun 1, 2012, at 8:54 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Jun 1, 2012, at 9:11 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Jun 6, 2012, at 7:55 PM
- -- Posted by snowrose8005 on Wed, Jun 13, 2012, at 6:30 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Jun 22, 2012, at 6:46 PM
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