A quick day of roping, and food, of course!
First we had to go gather up a stray cow, that did not belong to us. Note how, I'm all serious, and Al is behind me being a GOOBER.
Said Cow, once in this pen, (somewhere behind me) did NOT want to stay in. You can't see Wayne, but he's chaining these panels together, in hopes that she won't be out, before we load her in the trailer to take to her 'rightful' owner. I'm being Wayne's Savior by holding the panel from falling on him. He just doesn't know it. Later he saw this photo and said "Cool, you look relaxed, just hanging around" hmmmmm.."I just freaking saved your life, Mister!" That was a deadly panel!
Al, once we have the cow gone, and getting a bit of help by a local man. Some of you may know him. ?? Any guesses?
Wendy and Al going to gather the bunch that we are going to brand. Al says "They went thatta way!"
There they go, to go get a smallish bunch. Wendy is wearing my hat, and apparently I'm a bit big headed, and it's too big for her. Al has to bring it back to me, cuz it's going to blow off
The food has arrived! I'm darn excited about this, ...this was a couple Saturdays ago, and I managed to forget to eat anything in the morning. The heat got to me, and I was feeling like tipping over.... I begged for food and a Gatorade, ....and I was rescued. Shewie!
This Airplane flew over, and I got some details on it from a guy named Jack. (not giving his whole name, cuz I don't have permission)He says when they have 4 contrails, and are flying this particular course, means they have come from Europe. At first I thought "What the heck??!!" Cuz he said, "that's coming from Europe." But apparently a pilot who is interested in that stuff...can know stuff like that. Contrails, directions, and the time of day, told him a lot. I'm impressed. Of course I had to take a photo
Here's the Bunch of Wild Ones...and the cattle too.
Brands are very interesting. Each one represents a ranch.... and many many times, there is a lot of history behind a brand.
Let the roping begin! I've said before I'm not good at this, but I'm going to give it a shot, from time to time. Wendy has my camera, and will catch my fails. I, however, will NOT post my failures. heheheh. My blog, my rules. Buckshot, note the pink shirt, and pink rope!
No calf in this photo, but in the photo on the right, I've got one!
Got one, and about to get one.
I heard from a reliable source, that Wayne is whining chewing me out for 'catching' all the calves, and leaving none for him. That is a better story than what is actually happening. He is saying something along the lines of "Settle down, breath.... it's Ok" He was gone when I nearly tipped over earlier, so I'm thinking "Heck, I'm doing fine now!"
'spose I'm coming up to save the day?
Any guesses what these are? And what we do with them?
Al is not a squeamish girl. Heck, she's nearly a puppy. I've seen proof. She is learning how to castrate a man...er... I mean, calf.
Al took this photo of her Mom and I. We are about to EAT! not the horse
Some of my favorite people, new and old friends. We don't just do business out here. There's plenty of work to be done, but we meet new people, get re-acquainted with people we know. And appreciate a quiet simple time that we spend together, and mostly, appreciate each other.
Then there is a bit of play. And Wayne is just about always the biggest kid, starting the games
Truly, at the end of the day of work and fun with friends and family, what could be a more beautiful site than this? A Granddaughter on a horse she loves, A horse taking care of her. And the beautiful landscape of our Idaho Mountains, where we work and play. This is what I live for.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, May 1, 2012, at 3:06 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, May 1, 2012, at 6:23 PM
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