My Son Visits
I was somewhat "offline" for a week or so. I took a week "off" from the blogs (and work, to spend with my son).... and honestly I needed it.
Here is what I was doing!
A few lessons as usual.
It's always better when you can race a friend!
These are some of the cutest kids ever. If you don't believe me, just ask me, I'll tell ya
This is "Anderson Bean" Cute huh?
Everyone has a job.... even the youngest
How awesome is this? Every kid should be able to spend time with these animals.... and learn this kind of trust. MUCH better than being inside playing a video game!
he has new boots.... and loves to show them off
A little dirt never hurt anyone, and we are not afraid to throw some!
My son is home from college..... and has to ride a horse of course
His girl friend hasn't ridden before....so you know the drill, everyone rides....
Cute couple huh?
Young and old(ish)
Good friends
Waiting their turns
Husband and Wife
My Son......................... Myself
Cousins............... Daughter and Mother
My first Grandson
Ginny is Sharon's daughter, and Addi, is her daughter. A whole nuther generation...Eclipse, the horse used to be mine. I gave him to Sharon, and now he's teaching her family. That's a good feeling
My Second Grandson
One of our twins
Katie and Cash
Evan and Bryce
My daughters, Katie and Jess
Sharon and her Grandson, Wyatt
Beamer is exhausted after all that...needed a power drink!
Then on Monday again....
The "Kids" Play a game called buckets. Grab an item from a bucket and take it to the next bucket...drop it and get another...race to the next.... I have to say Al smokes 'em all. But Jilly is getting it all put together.... Eclipse just never plans to put a lot of effort into anything
One thing this helps, is the kids learn to move around in their saddles. See Jilly having to lean way over and down? Some people are too stiff.... and never learn to relax. Games are the way to do it, and not realize you are learning!
I believe I see a bit of competition here.... I love it!
yeah...all the kids have fun! Being a kid has nothing to do with the # in your age..... trust me
Then when it's time to cool the horses off...we pull the saddles and just let them practice bareback, and balance. Again, they're learning...and having fun. Note that Al is using only a bailing twine around the nose of this horse?
EVERYONE has to take care of cooling off their horse
I never want a kid to be dependent on a saddle...so this is good for lots of reasons. But, look at the carefree relaxed little bodies here.
Evan gets here after work
And not to be outdone by his sister...
Yep, I'm a bit of a proud mom..... so sue me
We are about to have a Bon Fire again, so the kids have to gather wood for the fire
And friends start to gather, along with my kids and Mom and Dad. Without doubt, this is how a nice evening should be spent. With those that choose to join. It's such a simple thing, but really, nothing simple about the Pleasures of being together. There are 4 Generations of my family here.
If you don't have things like this to take your mind off the Daily Grind, you oughtto figure out a way to bring it into your life. There is NO time like now, to make this be part of your life. These kids will always remember these things...and really, it didn't cost anything, but a few hot dogs.... just do it.
Just do it, Seriously
- -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Sun, Mar 18, 2012, at 11:12 PM
- -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Sun, Mar 18, 2012, at 11:13 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Mar 19, 2012, at 8:12 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 19, 2012, at 8:18 AM
- -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Mon, Mar 19, 2012, at 12:05 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 19, 2012, at 12:10 PM
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