I Love These
My daughter is one of those LUCKY kids that has "ridden all her life" She got her first "own pony" when she was 3. (My son got one at the same time, when he was 5) She was lucky, in that her pony, Mandy, lived in her backyard, basically. Mandy spent a lot of time in our actual yard. Heck, she nearly came in the house a few times. She never did, though other horses did, with Katie's encouragement. You've read me brag about Katie (all my kids) so, here I go again! She has always always always loved horses. And she has the knocks in life to remember. She had 4 broken arms, thanks to horses.... let me tell ya, that makes a Mom wonder if it's all worth it. Trips to the hospital do give you pause to think..."Barbie dolls are not this dangerous!" But Katie never waivered.... she rode 4 summers with her little tiny casts...(yep, I've saved them, and yes, they stink) She rode in 4 Elmore County Horse Show Fairs with casts...bringing home ribbons each time. Her determination was not to be outdone.
My Dad loves to tell a story about a time when Katie did NOT win. I wasn't there during this particular conversation, but I think she was about 10 years old. Dad told me later that Katie said "That will NOT happen again." Very matter of fact. That did NOT in fact, happen again. I have to remind her to smile.... because she gets so serious. I've had people tell me that maybe I shouldn't push her so much, and maybe not have her ride/try to hard. I told them, "You tell her to quit, cause I'm not about to go there"
She started "starting'" her own horses at 10 years old, and has been to 4 National Shows in Reno. She has boxes of trophies, ribbons, buckles, and saddles. I taught her a lot, but after awhile, I was just there really for support.
This was last Friday, when she brought her boys over to ride. Rather than stand around, she sprung up on Marshmallow, who she had ridden once before. Note that there is just a bailing twine around her neck, and gets to know the filly a bit.
Also, note, the evil grin on my daughters face as she is coming towards me while I'm behind a camera, and can't really tell how close she is! Who raised this woman anyway??!!
Katie decides Marshmallow is ready for a jump. So, she hops off and makes a jump. My Son, Evan, has been known to comment about these photos, "Looks like another broken arm coming"
Letting her walk over it first.
It took awhile.... but they got it done.
ya know, I've talked about the things that give you Joy. And that you never know when something simple will give IMMENSE Joy. This is one of those moments. Maybe I'm just getting soft in my "older age" but even as I type this, I feel all sentimental. There was nothing planned about this moment. The Yellow Filly is filthy muddy, Katie isn't dressed up, the jump is just some old boards she rigged together. But really, for me, this is one of the most beautiful things ever. May daughter riding bareback on my filly, with a bailing twine she picked up off the ground. The filly is willing and untroubled, and has confidence in what is happening. This isn't just a horse jumping. This is magnificently awesome, in so many ways.
Marshmallow's 2nd jump of her career.
And her 3rd.
Everyone needs a hug for a job well done. Don't think for a minute that Marshmallow doesn't appreciate this moment too...
Can you tell the difference between these photo and the ones from above?
There is no twine now, total trust is happening. Yep, my heart sings!
My Dad sent me a message after he saw these photos. He says
"Amazing horsemaship. She's still got it. Hope she appreciates me teaching her all I know about riding"
I am sure she does!
Remember though, that the boys were riding....
Boys will be boys, and they love to climb hills. We are working the land a bit, and this dirt pile has not been spread yet...so it's a perfect 'hill' to practice on
Waiting his turn
Yep, they love that hill!
I put him up behind his Mom and told him to keep his feet up front.. he looks like a little spider Monkey
These are without doubt, the things that give me joy.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Mar 6, 2012, at 11:07 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Mar 6, 2012, at 11:09 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Fri, Mar 9, 2012, at 2:44 PM
- -- Posted by Brenda Fincher Publisher MHNews on Fri, Mar 9, 2012, at 3:02 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 12, 2012, at 10:57 AM
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