Bits of our Entry into Vegas Baby
If you've seen Vegas, you'll just have to forgive me. It's my blog!
Unusual for me, I'm a bit grumpy, so if you wanna be a child and throw a big fat baby fit, hit the "Back" button now. heheh
I hadn't been here since a child, and only had a vague memory. I'm easy to please, for the most part. This pleases me! I've been to some big cities, mostly thanks to horses, but not lit like this one! Wayne wishes we had come into it in the night, so I could really see it lit up. But this was awesome too. None of these are real good shots, since they are taken thru the windows of the truck, but they're not bad. As you can see, it was a beautiful sunny day!
Now, down to business. We have to settle the Filly. She has, after all, traveled as far as we have! She's a bit hesitant to get out of the trailer, ...says she has been perfectly comfy in there.
We convince her to go for a walk, and stretch her legs.
Is she not beautiful?
She decides to enjoy the soft sand, and scratch her back
Carolyn, taking her back to her private room.
Looks like a bit of a Fancy place huh?
Our Hotel. It'll do.
I've been to these events a few times. It doesn't get old. And I hope (I'm sure) it never does. It's awesome and awesomer/awesomest to be a part of this! It's exhausting, but worth every tired and worried moment. It's not just being part of something big, it's being part of something that carries on a Legacy, that might seriously be lost without inspiration. Seeing people come from all over the world, to share their experiences, memories and hopes and dreams... well... I can't precisely put that into words.
This is the Horse End of the Hotel. Totally Secure. You can't get in there without a key, and you better have a pass with you, if someone sees ya!
Finally, we go in the front door to 'check in'. It'll do
Of course, our room was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down at the end of this long hallway. Of course
More to come, ya think?
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Tue, Feb 21, 2012, at 3:28 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Feb 21, 2012, at 6:06 PM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Tue, Feb 21, 2012, at 7:37 PM
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Feb 21, 2012, at 7:41 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Feb 21, 2012, at 7:46 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Feb 22, 2012, at 7:29 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Feb 22, 2012, at 8:11 AM
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