We are lucky enough to have some AWESOME working dogs.
They're all black and white, 'except for Scout, who shows up later.
Below with LOTS of white is Macys. She is named after the store Macys, well, because I like Macys! She is a super sweet female who is pretty much just a pet. Again, I say, she is super sweet, and loves everyone. Puppies, other dogs, kids.... but not work. I said we have some awesome working dogs. She has done some awesome work, but she gets nervous, when I try to sound commanding.... and then I have to pretty much beg her not to just light out for home. She's real good at walking behind my horse quietly. I have found if I start to do something, she's kind of willing to help out. I kept her from one litter, cuz she has blue eyes like mine and my horse. So much for that reasoning! She needs a new home, if anyone is interested, but has to be a good one.
The pup's name is Andy. Short for Anderson Bean. Anderson Bean is a boot company that I like. They're my dogs, I call 'em what I want! Andy's mom is Penneys. (yeah, after the store Penneys) She is farthest to the left. You know, the black and white dog! sheesh! Macys is Andy's Aunt. Penneys and Macys are related.... let me see if I can keep this straight. Macys Mom Katie had a litter a couple years ago. Those Babies Daddy is Penneys' Baby Daddy. ? yeah, that's it. Part of that litter was given to a friend of ours. In payment a couple years later, he brought us Penneys. I know, it's confusing.
Remember Sam? He went to Kindergarten and learned to play basketball with me at school for awhile. He has become an absolutely awesome cow dog. I'm sure his education served him well. He is the one just peaking around the tree, with the red collar. (you know the black and white dog) He is Andy's Dad. Yeah, it's OK. Trust me. She is also his 1st get, and he's a bit fascinated by her. There were 3 of the litter, but Andy is the only one we kept. We kept her, because she shows potential to be fairly big like him, and already showed signs of wanting to "gather everything up" when she can. She likes to 'run ahead' (which I could NEVER get Macys to do)
Look at the size of those paws on Andy! She looks like a little bear cub!
For a Border Collie, Sam is huge. And he's tough. He loves his work, and thrives on it. I love all that. But what I love THE MOST is how sweet he is. This might look a bit rough, but they are playing and they love one another.
Sam's mouth is what cows pay attention to. It's just about always open and looks like an Alligator so they move when he asks. He only bites when he needs, and usually doesn't need to. He never bites the other dogs. And he will come and wrap his arms around you, a kid...and stay and just love to be huggggged back. He jumps on the trampoline with our grand kids (I'll have to get pics of that) and they all love him. He has learned to control his exuberance also. He goes at mach 10 at all times, so he's taken out a kid or 2. He's been taught that is not really that fun.
I love this series of photos. It looks like Sam comes over to Andy and says, "Let's take a walk kid, I wanna talk to ya"
She loves anything to do with anything, so "Ok Daddy!"
She obviously adores him,.... and I love his smile
Looks like they had a good talk!
And then they are off to play!
Scout was getting jealous, so I let him in to play too.
it's not long before the younger dogs are making Scout 'rethink' his thought that this would be fun. They love messin' with the old guy.
Penneys is going in for the kill of one of his legs. And that's Katie, Sam's Mom laying to the right. Her pups are always in demand, but she didn't have any this year. She just hung out and worked.
I giggle when I see this picture of Andy. She looks like a Kangaroo...eh Mate? Or maybe a Black Bear.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Fri, Jan 27, 2012, at 3:06 PM
- -- Posted by bondyweb on Mon, Jan 30, 2012, at 10:13 AM
- -- Posted by Brenda Fincher Publisher MHNews on Mon, Jan 30, 2012, at 1:02 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Jan 30, 2012, at 8:34 PM
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