Just a Random Day
Sometimes in the evenings, I think, "I should blog" and give something different to think about. You know, other than the stuff that can be so aggravating. All I have to do is look in my computer at the folders of my photos, and I'm inspired. Some I can't share, cuz I sell them, and so, they aren't mine. But ......
Some days are just so pretty, I feel like sharing.
Wayne got hold of the camera while I was in the Maverik getting Life's Blood, (in other words, diet coke, my addiction) He thinks it's funny taking my picture. This is BEFORE I caught wind of him, and the next picture posted is me snearing
Then, we're off! To go give the calves protein and just in general 'check up on them" The yellow stuff is Corn Distillers (sp?) Along with the pasture that they are on, this is an all natural supplement to ensure happy/healthy calves.
You have to admit, they have a wonderfully cute and innocent look! Another thing about these calves, is their curiosity. They know what we're there for, and they love it. While Wayne is (of course) doing the actual work, they are focused on me. I'm weird to them I guess...and they would come up and lick me, if I gave them time. Trust me, I know they would. Long ago, Childhood experiences tell me so!
If you have time some time, or can convince your kids, grandkids or someone, tell them to go lay near some calves, and hold real still. Eventually, those calves will come right up and lick them right on the cheek. Then, for fun, jump up and go "Boo"! They'll scatter like pool balls.... but, lay down and start all over, they'll come back for round 2! not that I'd have ever done such a thing.... not me
See Wayne working back there? I am here for moral support though!
Something that we are pretty proud of, is that we've helped them gain trust in us. Not all calves would let you pet them. Many ranchers' calves hang wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back, cause they have been treated roughly and don't want to take a risk of being done so again. These calves have been fairly treated and they are all kinds of happy to hang around. Wayne just ran his hand along the head (above the eye) of the red calf, and along her neck. She hardly notices and just continues nummm nummin' in the protein.
Those are part of the Owyhee Mountains way in the back ground. Not bad for a Saturday office huh?
I'm a simple girl, really, and I was a bit simply fascinated by the corn sneaking out of cracks in the back of the bed, and bouncing out. I'm easily amused/entertained I suppose!
They really just don't that we are there!
Again, I'm easily amused. We saw this on our way home. We parallel to the highway, and saw this 'stretch" This is thru the windshield of our pickup, and zoom lens way out...not clear, but still thought I'd share
- -- Posted by Eagle_eye on Fri, Jan 27, 2012, at 1:35 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Fri, Jan 27, 2012, at 1:41 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Jan 27, 2012, at 2:02 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Jan 27, 2012, at 2:04 PM
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