CHRISTmas #1
I know, I know, I'm late, but you know how I love to share photos. I have heard the clamoring for photos via the silence, so I know that was you. I think. Maybe I just think so, but, I've said it before, it's MY World....so basically, I make up the story
CHRISTmas was not stressful for us this year. We decided that we were not 'buying into the commercialism" this year and buying tons of gifts. It's a good thing we decided that, cause we didn't have any money. Shewie! But really, what does anyone need? Nothing! We bought Grand kids stuff, and guess what? We only bought them "nerf guns!" How cool is that? cheap, and makes the parents tormented, and we go home to peace and good will to men. O my gosh, We are funny!
Our gift to each other this year was some cattle.... so, we traded a super nice horse, and a couple arms and legs. Really, money was gone! But, when we're old, we'll retire thanks to our cattle.
Anyway, we decided to share of ourselves. There are lots of family, so we were lucky and had several dinners. This was Friday before CHRISTmas. I cooked and some of Wayne's family came to share with us. Isn't this really what it's about? Being together?
Then on Saturday, we had the twins over for a few hours.
After playing outside, they got to open their gifts. Oh yes, I forgot. no nerfs for them, ...I found these BuildABear kits, and thought how fun would this be?
They really seemed to get into it. Stuffing the heck outtta the little bears.
We had a visit from Santa Clause apparently!
I had never done a BuildABear before, but I liked it. And I liked that you have to place the heart in the 'right spot' and make sure there are no wrinkles. This was very serious business.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:28 AM
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