Winter Wonderland
Remember the snow we had awhile ago? Well.... when it was coming down, my horses got to playing and frolicking around our home field. (I love the word 'frolick') Naturally, I grabbed my camera to go out and play with them!
You see, I'm still a child at heart, and I plan to stay that way. Any of my family and friends are welcome and encouraged to come along. Trust me it's worth it.
One thing I like about me is that I like my animals. I think they're awesome, and for the most part better than others. No offence.... But just look at Marshmallow. And when you add to how she looks that she's a sweet heart, and takes care of my Grandchildren, well, what more could you want?
What can I say about this old mare? She's not much longer for this world, and help my family get thru the time when I have to make that decision. This is Mariah. She was given to me by my Aunt, who's ranch I grew up on in Grand View. The experiences I had on that ranch with my Aunt and Uncle, were life/character building for me. And though this horse was given to me in my 20's, in my mind, she is my childhood memories, kind of all wrapped up in one black horse. She is the 2nd horse that my Aunt gave me. And she's a 1/2 sister to the 1st one. Neither one of those 2 sisters were ever truly gentle, and looking back, I kind of think partly that was my fault. I didn't necessarily do anything 'wrong', but I've learned so much I know I could have done better. BUT having said that, this is the horse that taught me a College Education worth of horsemanship, and she'd have done anything for me, and often did. She just never was a kid horse. Ask my kids! There will be a blog on her, no doubt.
Let the fun begin! Horses are like Children. Who doesn't love to play in the snow??? So Let them! If they could, I bet they'd stick there tongue out to try to catch a snow flake!
Beamer and Marshmallow
(He's the one that was gored this last fall, so see, he's better)
Here, Marshmallow is thinking she will sneak up on me. That's not hard to do, when I have my face behind a camera. There have been many times, I've found myself face to face with something rather unexpectedly!
Kind of like this! She is thinking "Are ya gonna move?" And I'm clueless, so, she goes around, thank goodness!
This to me, is a funny shot. Marshmallow is being naughty to Mariah, her Elder. Totally wrong. And Beamer is looking at me like "Look Mom! Get her! She's being bad!"
Even at her age though, Mariah is no panty waist. See that left foot up telling Marshmallow, "You come any closer, and you get this right on your knee cap, chickadee" Nuff said
a little slippin' and aslidin' and they are starting to slow down
This is 'Baby's" 1st Winter. What must a baby think about the cold white stuff?
Where did all the snow go? Part of me is somewhat grateful (and guilty to feel that way) because our home field is not a slimy mess. Kids are able to ride to their hearts' delights. But I worry about what it means for later....
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:10 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:25 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:25 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 11:28 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 1:34 PM
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