My son turned 29
How is this possible? How old does that make me? Hmmm...
Actually, I don't mind, mostly. I'm 50. Evan was an early Birthday Present. He was born on Dec 1, 1982. I was in labor the end of November, but he was stubborn and didn't want to show til December.
He's a very stubborn man now, and I wish I knew where he got that from. Not from me! Others at this time will be spewing whatever libation they may have in their mouths. If my Mom and Dad are reading this, something along the lines of "What comes 'round, goes 'round" will be floating around in the air... and my Mom, bless her, will be nodding and making a sound like 'uh huh"...
My sister, Ardie ... well, she just choked a bit. Have I ever mentioned she made a sign to broadcast beautifully above my kitchen sink
"Everyone is entitled to MY opinion" ?
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy... Evan is one of my many pride and joys. He has grown into the man I wanted him to be, had I known how good he would become. How could I know that he would be so perfect? He is one of those God Given Miracles. And truly, he was for me, a Reason to Live, in so many ways
He arrived just as I was finishing a riding lesson, so he got to play with the filly for a bit. There is a bit of competition between him, Jess, and Al who the filly will like the best. It's all good for me, the filly is getting friendly!
He "gets down on her level" so as not to intimidate her. A real man doesn't need to feel big.
Then the gathering begins, and of course the playing
My friend Sharon... yes, you've read about her. She is my chosen sister, and so a mother to Evan, in a way.
Strangely, Evan has never liked CAKE. But, really, you have to have cake when you have a birthday, right? Doncha? Soooo, I got a box of Ding Dongs... (he likes those) (go figure) and Jess brought it to him to blow out. Candles and all, on that little tiny cake
Impressive huh?
That's Sharon's husband in the background.
Truly impressive. My Mom was proud~
Jess's fingers got hot waxed. That little tiny cake didn't provide any protection, really. What she won't do for my son.
So, there has to be a bit of kid tormenting done...and Wayne is just the man for the job!
Tortured or not, they love their Grandpa
Again, My Mom and Dad. They started it all. I'm happy as can be that they are my folks. They taught me to love family and be a safe place to come and have fun.
Happy Birthday Evan, You are beginning to understand the depth of how a parent loves wholly. I'll always be on your side.
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 5:56 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 7:14 AM
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 9:22 AM
- -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Jan 10, 2012, at 7:02 PM
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