My Nephew Ropes and Ties the Knot!
My sister's oldest son Casey tied the knot with Amber Joseph/Fox 2 weekends ago. This last weekend, we had a dinner here in Mtn. Home to celebrate his future happiness. And I do believe it will be happy. Amber is a "real" Woman with depth. She brings with her Kenzie, who fits right in with Caseys' two boys Colby and Caleb. They make a family that is a joy to see. She's been independent, and has supported herself. She doesn't NEED Casey, .... she loves him. And Casey also has been independent. I love to see people get together because of mutual wants. Not desperation to have someone else take care of them. But caring FOR one another. I see that with them....and it makes me happy.
Since it was Autumn, my sister went with Fall colors.... she makes these cakes...and they are a site to behold.
Here Amber is opening the bottle of wine to toast their future. I see already Casey is letting her do the detail work!
They look pretty happy huh?
It's hard to believe, Ardie and I were pregnant at the same time ... 30 years ago... (more)
Amber, removing the top off
I of course had to play with their rings
Getting ready to throw the "bouquet" No one to catch it tho
Destruction of a perfectly yummy cake
I wish them the very best
- -- Posted by Ardie on Wed, Oct 26, 2011, at 4:11 PM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, Oct 26, 2011, at 7:14 PM
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