Speaking of…….4-H
You've heard me talk about 4-H before. I am a whole hearted supporter of the way 4-H can help children of all cultures, ages, and backgrounds. I couldn't help going to the Valley County 4-H Horse show.
forgive me for not knowing names, but this is their 4-H Extension Agent..(I think) giving a great pep talk to the kids about to participate in their horse show.
Valley is a pretty small group of kids, but they were as polite and attentive as I've seen.
Here are some pictures of their project tables. I was very impressed!
One thing that never changes, is that you can see sheep, pigs, heifers and horses at a 4-H barn. Same but different place
Do you suppose this kid has a good relationship with his steer? One of the things that kids have to do, with whatever animal they take. Some do what's necessary, and not much more. Somehow, I get the impression that this kid went above and beyond. He learned a lot this year, I'll vouch for that. I don't know him, but I can not describe to you in words what these pictures mean. He got it right though
Another thing that is the same no matter where ya go, is that the kids are responsible for the majority of the work. And at times, they don't love it. Plain and simple. But learning responsibility makes for stronger backbones, in more ways than one. It's hot on the day of these pictures, and this boy was working hard, and not thrilled about it. What impresses me, is that there is NOT a Mom or Dad sitting around nagging him to do it. He's just doing it, cuz it needs to be done.
But they take the time to have a bit of comraderie too. Fun can be found anywhere.....even in a cow barn.
Something that I love about 4-H is that these kids chatted with us as we walked thru. 4-H can teach children the ability and the confidence to talk with strangers proudly about what they've done during the summer. And these kids didn't just watch TV and play video games. This is PRICELESS
Snoring Pigs...somehow adorable
And sleeping out on the bleachers..... When tired enough, any flat surface will do!
4_h Cost about 20.00 a year. hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Do you know of a better deal?
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Tue, Aug 23, 2011, at 8:48 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Aug 23, 2011, at 11:01 AM
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