Là breith sona dhuit, Mom
Ahhhh...well, if you've had the time to read much bloggin' from me, you know how my family feels about Birthdays. We make a BIG deal out of them, whether the birthdayeeeee knows/wants/desires such an event. And we're darn happy to do it, and plan to continue....just so the ones coming up are aware.
A couple years ago, my Dad turned 75th. Can you imagine the spectacle?
Well, not to be outdone, my Mom caught up to him (kind of) last month. Feb 28 was a day we planned for months, secretly we thought. We like surprises. Welllllllllllllll...... apparently Mom knew for months, due to a "speaker phone" techkno failure on my Dad's part. But, as us mothers do, she played dumb and Dad ran around being all secretive for months, while she acted all "unknowing" Right up to the night before. He left her at home, while he went and visited with her brother, after arranging it "in front of her on speaker phone" ack! She nicely stayed home, while he snuck away.
ah well..... it all ended well.....
Mom's little brother (Jon) and sister, Beth
Dad's Brother Art and his wife Carola from Calif.
How handsome is that man who looks like my Dad?
Dad's sister Betty from AZ
So we had a mini clan gathering.
My wayward brother came from California (thru the bad roads we had for a couple days) bringing snow with him. He had asked me what the forecast was, and though I knew it wasn't looking good....I just told him to put the "Pedal to the Metal" and get here! He did.
(I'm the "baby" of the family, but for some reason they all say I"m bossy)
My oldest sister, Ardie, is a party planner extraordinaire and she held nothing back.
(to the point where there were nearly some fisticuffs in the family)
She wants what she wants, and whatever it takes to get it, she has the drive to clinch the detail.
Growing up, I can't tell you how many times I was informed we were "Heinz 57's" ....I'm assuming lots of you know what that means, but for those of you that don't..... it's a mixed breed of many nationalities/cultures/civilizations and maybe even enlightenment. We are a bit of whatever, but if we go way back, there's a bit of Irish/German/French and more. (I'm sure I was a Queen in another life) Anyway, My Mom has an enthusiastic attraction for Scotland, and it's culture.
Well, we couldn't really afford to take her to Scotland, though we'd have loved that beyond belief. The next obvious choice is to bring Scotland to her. Duh...of course!
My Mom....the Grande Dame of our Family. You can only imagine how this woman is loved and cherished by us all.
We each chose a Scottish type dish, and brought it all together for the dinner. (I somewhat cheated and did a Shepherd's pie, easy peeeezy)
My sister spent months ferreting the internet, and left no stone unturned. She ordered and printed to her heart's delight.
We were all to wear plaid, and of course the men were to wear Kilts. Of course!
We are not abashed by much, and so the men for the most part did wear kilts.
Can you tell that this is a very mature group of solemn men?
The party commences. Lots of kids and hugs.
My sister in law, Doreen, came from California. She's meeting Ashlyn for the 1st time
Evan's son Bryce. How BLUE are those eyes!
Bryce, Evan and Joey.
Our Guest of Honor starts the dinner line. My sister Ardie on the left, and my daughter Katie on the right. My Honey, Wayne supervising (from behind) and Jillian sneaking into first place.
The picture in the back ground is of a castle in Scotland. So, naturally, we all visited and were photographed there.
3 of my forever favorite people.
We have a sister who watches over us at all times. This is her Grand Daughter, Autumn, who she was never able to meet. That red hair .....it's her with us ..
Dad hired a Bagpipe Player. He played for us and then answered questions about his cultures and bagpipe. It was a truly touching event. I have pictures of my Dad nearly tearing up, but in deference to him, I'm not posting them. Heeehee...
Introducing himself to my Mom and shakes her hand in a truly Once in a Lifetime moment.
Mom & Dad with Bagpipes and the Player.
He played all the way out to his car when he was finished.
but he didn't get away without a hug from my sister.
This is a beautiful shot of the player with
Jerry, Sig and Art Clark. These are "One of a Kind Clark Men" in my life, and there are no finer examples.
Without question, my Mom has grown more beautiful with every passing year. The rest of us women can only hope to live up to her integrity
The kids thought the bagpipes were extremely loud. Here is their testimony to that.
Eldora is my Sister's best friend, whom we've adopted into our family. She came from Bonners Ferry.
Our Tartan
This was a birthday party, but as it turned out, there were lots of things accomplished here. Some that have been gone for awhile, were able to meet newborns. Brothers were brought back together and shared some time that they've missed. Sisters also were re-united and spent hours catching up. Other sisters worked together and nagged one another, to bring together nearly an entire family. It could have been a simpler affair, without the dishes, without a bagpipe player. What really was important and the most priceless gift, was that this family was willing to do what was needed to bring for my Mother what she most desires and treasures. The love of her family surrounding her. The laughter of children and smiles of others enjoying what SHE originated.
Bringing the culture to it, made it an educational experience that the young ones will remember. And what I"m hoping that they really take for a lesson, is that as a family, it mattered to us, to make it special. Everyone needs to be surrounded by unfaltering love and never have a doubt that it's their for them, in whatever their time of need is.
Là breith sona dhuit, Mom.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 2:49 PM
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 2:58 PM
- -- Posted by The Elders on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 3:12 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 3:39 PM
- -- Posted by Ardie on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 4:07 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 4:39 PM
- -- Posted by artundcarola on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 5:14 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 5:48 PM
- -- Posted by Snoshu2000 on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 9:01 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Mar 7, 2011, at 9:05 PM
- -- Posted by Glenn Rosse on Tue, Mar 8, 2011, at 4:20 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Mar 8, 2011, at 8:20 AM
- -- Posted by peglewis49 on Tue, Mar 8, 2011, at 2:29 PM
- -- Posted by JerryDori on Tue, Mar 8, 2011, at 4:23 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Mar 9, 2011, at 8:19 AM
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