Danielle Hall
We finished the Benefit Roping a couple weeks ago. It was a cold day, but it didn't stop anyone from coming. Not that were planning to come, and I'm pretty sure some just wound up stopping by.
There were many many touching moments during this day to honor Danielle. There was some happiness at being able to be there to Honor her, and definitely some sadness too, missing her. I don't think that there there was a single person there, who didn't at some point choke up at the thought of her.
The donated items for the Silent Auction were extremely generous, another tribute to the family. The meal was put together by their good friends, and friends of mine. Thank you to Kristi & Daron Hegerhorst for all your hard work. It won't be forgotten.
I had a moment with Leona Hatch that I could not speak, but from one Grandma to another, we got it.
Thank you to all who came.
Wayne & our Grandson Cash, riding away from me.
For folks like us, it's all about taking our kids with us.
It was very heartwarming to see how many people showed up for this Benefit.
These are some of the donated items.
some of the people working behind the scenes
Jeff Palmer donated the use of his facility for this event
Daron Hegerhorst had a big hand in the organizing of this huge event.
Wayne Lehto & John Dennis
Christine Hammond & Michelle Chandler
Wayne Lehto & Randy Everitt
It's all about babies
- -- Posted by CFrisbee on Wed, Dec 8, 2010, at 7:30 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Thu, Dec 9, 2010, at 8:02 PM
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