Bruneau Round up 2010
The Bruneau Round up is something I've looked forward for so many years. For a small town, Bruneau truly does a wonderful job of putting on a local rodeo that lots of nonlocals come to. This is actually one of the best 2 day rodeos I've been to. Along with the rodeo, there are booths to visit and purchase handmade jewelry and equipment. Along with some great food! Not to mention the Bruneau Dance on Saturday night. Kids are welcome every where and you're expected to bring them. Kids are of course, part of the rodeo..... and it wouldn't be the same without them. Here are a few highlights of the rodeo. I hope you'll go and watch next year, if you didn't this year.
We always start with honoring The American Flag
Elmore County Junior Princess
Mutton Bustin then kicks off the day.
Dads help lots!
One of my Granddaughters
There are lots of fun and games
The cowboys ride the cow, have to remove the halter and the saddle (fastest done while riding) and carry the equipment back across the finish line.
Below, Kalon Lord riding and undoing the halter. (Kalon always wears a suit and top hat to entertain)
Team roping...often Grandpa & Grandson
Wild cow milking, below is Ty Riley & Partner
I love the calf tying dismounts
Bronc Riding is always a thrill!
Clint Cameron
Looks like it could hurt huh? Usually not
There is never a need for more...there is always more!
Next up will be the Junior Rodeo!
- -- Posted by Eagle_eye on Wed, Nov 24, 2010, at 3:09 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Nov 24, 2010, at 9:08 PM
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