Homecoming Game 2010
These are the pictures of the Homecoming game, as I saw it. I took pictures of things we saw as we were walking to the game, and of people, and kids being spirited. It was a great night! I hope you were there!
In fact, I hope I got a picture of you! If you've read any of my blogs, you'll know I love pictures of our Flag. It shows up here again, a few times.
This is as we walked along 18th, towards the field. The street is LINED with vehicles ...I like that. I also like that the Fire Engine is there to support the flag, and the kids.
Middleton Vikings
Diane Monasterio pinning an "Alumni" ribbon
This is a great view of the stands, PACKED
I got some good shots of the game.
Half time.
The Moon was coming up, and I love the shot next to the flag. (Of course)
My friend, Theresa Dodge
The Queen Court
Back to the Game. I was excited to get pics of #56. My nephew Adam Miller!
My friend, Karen's daughter, Claudia
I LOVED the spirit shown by the kids
As we left, photos of the snack shack.
And of course, a flag, thru the goal .... how perfect.
I hope you enjoyed.
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