AFAD at 50 Years
Some of you that know me, know that I've been here a long time. My Dad was in the military, and was stationed here when I was 4. We came from Minot, N. Dakota. We arrived on Base in 1965. I had left my best friend in Minot, a boy named Dusty. I was never gonna have a friend like him again, I just knew it. (but of course I do) Our first home on MHAFB was on Laurel, and then later we lived on Washington Circle. Those neighborhoods don't look anything like they did back then. Those were some fun times living on Base, and I could spend hours talking about those Wonder years, but my blog today is about the Air Force Appreciation Day Parade, that I've come to look forward to and love so much.
In many ways, it hasn't changed a bit, while it has so changed in countless ways. The enthusiasm of the "event" remains the same, and the way that folks 'round here just know what 'AFAD' is. The enormity of it, astounds me, as I'm sure it does so many people. Mountain Home is unique in this show of appreciation, though I didn't know that as a young girl. There was a time when I was around 10, that we lived on George AFB, California. I remember waiting, and finally asking "When is Air Force Appreciation gonna be?" only to find out that there was no such thing there. What?!!! Well, we were only in CA about a year, so we did the CA thing... Disney Land, Knotts Berry Farm, etc.... But Dad brought us back to Idaho, where we belong. We only missed one AFAD I believe.
When I was a kid, we kind of ran wild and free in the parks, basically safe. Tho I suppose there were folks keeping an eye on us some. I helped a few times shucking corn for the next day's BBQ, and lots more times eating at the BBQ.
I hope that folks here realize what a unique opportunity it is to see a Community come together like that in such a strong show of Appreciation. It isn't completely normal, tho it should be. Thank you Mtn. Home for that.
I've been in the parade more times than I can count, so I have not always got a good look at it, so this year I took my Grandsons, with my Mom and Dad and my good friend Sharon, her husband and daughter. Sharon also had her Grandchildren with her. (Sharon's husband Jim is also retired military.) It was a great time for reminiscing and enjoying the antics of the participants and our kids getting candy.
I've made alot of friends due to the Air Force Base, and I cling to them always. In fact, I found myself making friends with a couple I was next to, who also had their Grand Daughters with them. They also arrived here, due to the military.
I've learned patriotism living here, and been offended by other's lack of it. I taught my kids & Grandchildren respect of the flag, and to show respect to it when it is carried by. A hand over the heart for our American Flag is just what is right.
One thing that kind of always brings a lump to my throat .... is those jets flying over. They are nothing less than spectacular, as far as I'm concerned.
I hope you enjoy my photos, as I saw the parade!
My Dad almost always had a Harley, (among other motorcycles, dirt & road)so I basically grew up on one. These guys are kind of near and Dear to my heart, tho I don't personally know them.
There is just something about a tough guy on a Harley with a stuffed animal that is endearing!
(though yes, I know, that's not a Harley, but you get the point)
My Grandson is running back after getting candy
My Dream Cars
This happy boy got a stuffed animal!
Never forget
My Gimpy family. Mom just got a new knee, and Sharon is my friend who broke her knee in June, thanks to the love of a horse!
The little cars were a hit with the kids!
This truck was a fun surprise!
I do love our flag!
ahhh....then there are the horses....
The first one is one of my girls, who is
Elmore County JR Princess!
These little guys are too cute!
left, is another of my girls.
middle, is our English leader
right, is one of my girls from years ago!
Michelle, is a good friend of mine, a daughter of 2 good friends of mine. A previous 4-H member, currently a horsewoman, and a local radiologist.
Morgan, carrying the 4-H flag, is my niece.
Zach is a good friend of mine, carrying the American Flag.
What better way to end this blog.
I hope you enjoyed.
- -- Posted by Eagle_eye on Thu, Sep 16, 2010, at 3:43 PM
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Sep 16, 2010, at 4:46 PM
- -- Posted by midea on Fri, Sep 17, 2010, at 8:40 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Sep 17, 2010, at 9:02 AM
- -- Posted by lilmissmelmo on Sun, Sep 19, 2010, at 9:34 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Sep 20, 2010, at 8:14 AM
- -- Posted by Lil Miss's Mom on Mon, Sep 20, 2010, at 7:12 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Sep 20, 2010, at 7:39 PM
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