Some of the Wilder Side/ECR
Obviously it takes guts and determination to do some of these events!
Then there are the typical rodeo events.
Our Announcer (Dad of one pictured immediately below) is Travis. He's another that volunteers his time ..
Dena, does our books, and score keeping... She has helped FOREVER in Rodeo,and also has a son competing. (Immediately above)
Picture of lots of people watching. Were you there?
Little ones love their ponies. This young one (below) is only 5, and she is a heck of a rider. Her determination knows absolutely NO bounds.
Pole Bending is always popular for all ages
This is the start of an awesome turn.....
but things don't always go as planned.....
Keep in mind...these kids are all 15 and under. But they know what they want....and they are willing to get it. She gets up, and gets back on. ........
And finishes her go. ..... would you?????
More to come!
- -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Aug 21, 2010, at 8:50 PM
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