Robert's Randoms
Robert J. Taylor

A closer look at the Hawthorne Police Department, which recently shot a man's dog after arresting him for filming police officers, shows a disturbing history of police misconduct

Posted Tuesday, July 2, 2013, at 3:07 AM
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  • This is simply a horrible tragedy....most likely a crime of power abuse. What is the status of the officer "Salmon" that did this? Calls to the mayor of Hawthorne and eails to Lt. Swain f the Hawthorne Police Dept. have gone unanswered Big surprise........

    -- Posted by TeamDurden on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 11:15 AM
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  • This officer better hope that a SHTF state never occurs.... he's made the top of my "first to pay a visit to" list......

    -- Posted by TeamDurden on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 11:20 AM
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  • Seems to me the only Being in the right was the dog. He went on animal instinct.

    The owner never should have stopped on the corner, illegally parked with music blaring and distracting police activity. You could see the cops down the street probably telling him to turn down the music and leave, and he was talking back to them. All the windows are down in his car enabling the dog to jump out so the owners is at fault for not restraining his dog correctly.

    It is too bad the cop shot the beautiful animal instead of moving his hand towards it. Hello!!, DOG 101, never reach towards a dog if you are a stranger too it.

    If you work as a cop in certain parts of LA, like Hawthorne you see a lot of scum, day in and day out. People stop respecting the cops and cops stop respecting the people. It sounds like Hawthorne PD needs a bit of counseling which probably isn't in their budget.

    After reading your blog and hearing about all the million dollars lawsuits, it also sounds like a few in this instance shouldn't be cops in the first place.

    -- Posted by trkchik on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 12:17 PM
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  • It is long past time to overturn Pitchess and make officers' service jackets again a matter of public record, open to scrutiny by all citizens.

    We pay their wages, we should be able to see what we are paying for.

    -- Posted by MickMagill on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 1:25 PM
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  • well again this is a case where the animal suffered instead of the guilty, that police officer should not have shot the dog. and the guy is guilty of getting his dog shot.

    police are abusers - they abuse their power, and some people abuse common sense - which leads to unpredictable behavior. once again the innocent pays for the stupidity of another.

    that video was hard to watch, ****.

    -- Posted by tomurphy on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 4:06 PM
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  • This video is extremely hard to watch....no doubt.

    You certainly would think that the dog owner would have been smart enough to secure his dog in the car....but how could he have known he was going to be cuffed ?

    The dog clearly showed no threat to anyone until the 3rd officer got involved and instead of acting calmly with the dog....basically taunted it. This department has a huge history of settlement claims for abuse charges. The whole thing is sickening.

    Everyone in this case was at fault, except the dog. Now...he's dead. Not captured and humanely put to sleep. Not shot in the head and dead quickly. But shot multiple unnecessary times and then left to convulse, scream and suffer in the street. Pathetic.

    -- Posted by TeamDurden on Tue, Jul 2, 2013, at 5:01 PM
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  • I don't get y'all and the lack of common sense. "Why were the windows down?" Last time I checked the weather... California's going through a heat wave. Roast the dog alive inside a car or be shot by an incompetent police officer. I hope Jeffrey Salmon rots while being cooped in a maximum security prison cell with 10 rottweilers.

    -- Posted by ravenclouds on Wed, Jul 3, 2013, at 3:26 AM
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  • I think its a said shame this animal was killed so terribly. Max is the only one I feel bad for in this mess. He should have never been put in a spot where he could be harmed.

    -- Posted by boxerlover on Wed, Jul 3, 2013, at 9:34 PM
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  • So Rosby says the offucer who pulled the trigger was Jeff Salmon. You didn't bother to check and verify if he was indeed the shooter. Instead you publish his name You did a great job of getting information on an officer wrongly accused of killing an animal and published his name without verifying the facts. Let's take Rosby's word for it. Genius! This post needs to be edited and an apology given to an officer who only handcuffed a man, not killed a dog.

    -- Posted by baseballmommy on Thu, Jul 4, 2013, at 2:20 AM
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  • THANKS......JYD...... COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER........ONE LAST THING I MIGHT ADD EASY TO BLAME THE VICTIM.........There was no reason for any of it.....that's a simple you need to move on we are in the middle of and investigation .Instead we are going to show our power and arrest .......because of the neighborhood......hello !!!!!!!! Nothing has changed it just depends upoun were you are.......and people try to tell me I AM SAFE ....THINGS HAVE CHANGED.......FOR WHO????????

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Jul 4, 2013, at 5:23 PM
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    Cisco and his person, Paxton, were playing Frisbee in his backyard. When Paxton went to grab something from his truck, a police officer arrived, drew his pistol, and pointed it at Paxton. (He was responding to a domestic disturbance a few doors down but had been given the wrong address.) Cisco ran toward the officer, who shot and killed him.

    The following exchange was recorded by the police camera:

    Paxton: "Why did you shoot my dog?"

    Officer: "Why didn't you get your dog when I told you to get your dog?

    Paxton: "I didn't know! I just came around the corner. You pulled a gun at me and told me to put my hands up. What was I supposed to do?

    Officer: "Okay, but you knew your dog was back there, correct?!"

    Paxton: "I didn't know anybody was here. I was just walking to my car."

    Officer: "Oh my Gosh."

    When Paxton went on KLBJ-FM's "Dudley & Bob Morning Show" to discuss the issue, the officer called in to apologize.

    The Austin Police Department issued a statement, saying, "There are several pieces in the process right now that we are looking at." Hopefully, this will end in something other than the typical "the officer was following protocol." Hopefully, but not likely.

    Paxton: "My best friend. You killed my f--ing best friend"

    -- Posted by sk8rboredmom on Thu, Jul 4, 2013, at 6:35 PM
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  • You don't really think they care do you??????? PROBALLY LUCKY THEY DIDNT SHOOT YOU.....IT'S A POWER TRIP IT SURE ISNT PROTECT AND SERVE......THAT'S A JOKE..........LATER

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Jul 4, 2013, at 11:09 PM
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  • My God, I couldn't believe this video. The man was not interfering with the officers business and it would have been sufficient to ask him to move on. There was another man with a camera to the left of the dog owner as well as the people we hear talking as the entire incident is recorded. Why were none of them arrested? This is nothing more than a disgusting abuse of power.

    -- Posted by DANSHL on Fri, Jul 5, 2013, at 5:47 PM
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  • I have an idea how to get Hawthorne to respond to our wish to terminate Salmon. Swamp the non emergency number with complaints: 310 675 4443

    -- Posted by zelskid on Sat, Jul 6, 2013, at 7:54 AM
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  • Try calling the number

    -- Posted by zelskid on Sat, Jul 6, 2013, at 11:24 AM
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  • Being a former Police Officer we are taught to access the situation. They were distracted by loud music which told them the windows were what down. They were walking toward him with intent to interact with him they can see the 130 pound dog being placed in a vehicle no matter what breed especially the most loyal dog in the world a German Rottweiler. Hmmm wouldn't it make more since for the Police Officers Safety to make sure the dog is secured. They where concerned with the handcuffed man's safety what about all the Pedestrian's that they put in harm's way by locking up the only person that can control the dog. Me personally I would have requested Mr. Rosby step away from his vehicle called for animal control secured the dog and then proceeded with whatever action was deemed necessary. That way the dog would not have been harmed. To recap you walk up to a citizen with 130 pound dog in his car an place him in handcuff's in front his dog you also assault this individual while cuffed and expect the dog not to react that is just plain foolish. There were so many things the Police could have done and the outcome would have totally been different...

    They have so many comments with saying the Dog owner is at fault let's face it the owner could have done things differently but hey Police Officer deal with situations all day where people don't make smart choices that's why we have municipalities and Agencies in place to govern citizen's Mr. Rosby had no clue he was about to be arrested therefore he did not have to secure his dog the liability fell on the Officer's that made the decision to either detain or arrest said individual...... Thank you

    -- Posted by blkking10 on Sat, Jul 6, 2013, at 2:25 PM
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  • A story from the LA Times on how the LAPD and mailmen deal with dogs: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-ol-dog-shooting-hawthorne-polic...

    -- Posted by RTaylor on Sun, Jul 7, 2013, at 10:29 PM
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  • *

    A story about a recent Henderson, Nevada police operation:


    So much for one's home being one's castle. Thankfully, the police used non-lethal ammo.

    -- Posted by wh67 on Mon, Jul 8, 2013, at 8:11 PM
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