House Republicans Increase Grocery Tax Credit (Local News ~ 02/15/22)
Friday, Feb. 11 House Republicans passed House Bill 509, to increase the amount of money the grocery tax credit returns to hardworking Idahoans. The House Republicans remain committed to continuing to find additional ways to invest the current fiscal surplus with Idaho taxpayers... -
Boys Varsity Basketball
(High School Sports ~ 02/15/22)
Our #4 seeded varsity BBB team will start their district play on Tuesday Feb. 15th. They will play #5 seed Twin Falls. This game will be played here at MHHS gym @ 7pm.
Elmore County Water Advisory Board Meeting - Feb 9
(Column ~ 02/15/22)
Being united in creating a water solution was the theme of the Elmore County Water Advisory Group Meeting on February 9th as they came together to more clearly define the strategy of solving the water shortage for the County and Mountain Home. The decision makers and the influencers for Elmore County and City were all in attendance. ...
Death Notice - James "Jim" W. Rogers
(Obituary ~ 02/15/22)
James "Jim" W. Rogers, 84, of Buhl formerly of Mountain Home, died Thursday, February 10, 2022 at his residence. Arrangements are under the care of Farmer Funeral Chapel, Buhl.