TRAFFIC WARNING FOR THIS SUNDAY, JULY 25th (Local News ~ 07/20/21)
This weekend on Sunday, the 11th Annual Patriot Thunder Motorcycle Ride will be filling our interstate (I84) with the roar and rumble of Patriot Pride and support. Sponsored annually by High Desert Harley-Davidson, riders will be gathering at their site in Meridian. This year’s ride is limited to the first 1200 motorcycles, and is an escorted event from the HDHD site to Carl Miller Park in Mountain Home Idaho via I84... -
Reader asks for Gofundme donations
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/20/21)
The CDC recently announced they were aware of rare cases in which people who got the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine contracted a nervous system disorder which leads to paralysis. It appears Doug Cameron, a farmer from Hammett, is one of those rare cases. He is now at the U of U Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital in Salt Lake City wondering if he'll ever walk again...
Elmore County Sends Letter of Support to Governor
(Column ~ 07/20/21)
On June 15th, the Elmore County Commissioners held a special session to sign a letter that will eventually help to gain funding for water projects in Elmore County. Recently, the State of Idaho received 1.2 billion dollars to fund various projects, but the state treasury has taken a very narrow view of what these funds can be applied for. ...
DEATH NOTICE - Melanie Ann Tischendorf
(Obituary ~ 07/20/21)
Melanie Ann Tischendorf, 71, of Nampa, Idaho (formerly of Mountain Home), died on July 16, 2021. Arrangements are under the direction of the Cloverdale Funeral Home.