Govenor Little advances Idaho to Stage 3 as COVID-19 case counts, hospitalizations decline (Local News ~ 02/02/21)
Boise, Idaho – After weeks of declining COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations, Governor Brad Little announced today that statewide metrics justify returning to Stage 3 of the Idaho Rebounds plan. “When we moved back to Stage 2 in November, case counts were spiking and hospitals were bracing for the worst. ... -
Medicaid Funding in danger
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/02/21)
Medicaid Expansion was a hard fought initiative that passed with more than 60% of the vote in 2018. Many Idahoans depend on Medicaid and the governor’s attempt to reduce funding is a direct assault on these individuals. It’s true that Medicaid Expansion is costing more than expected this year, but this is for good reasons: COVID-19 and pent-up demand for healthcare after thousands of Idahoans went for years without access to a doctor...