St. Vincent de Paul food pantry receives grant (Local News ~ 01/19/18)
On Nov. 16, 2017, the local St Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Food Pantry was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Idaho Food Bank Fund. With additional funds provided by the Knights of Columbus, Mother Cabrini Sodality, Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Hispanic Ministry, and OLGC’s generous parishioners, SVdP was able to purchase a new Restaurant Range for Our Lady of Good Counsel Hall. ... -
Central District Health representatives update Commissioners (Local News ~ 01/19/18)
Representatives of Central District Health updated county commissioners during the Jan. 12 meeting of the Elmore County Commissioners. Russ Duke, District Four Director, and Christina Marie a registered nurse for the Elmore County Services office, came to inform the commission of the services currently being provided county-wide and the topics of legislature that they will be supporting during the upcoming legislative session. ... -
Brent Stanley (Obituary ~ 01/19/18)
Brent Neunom Stanley aka Wolf Stanley, born Sept. 30, 1988, died Dec. 27, 2017 at the Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, Utah. A memorial was held Jan. 8, 2018 at the Assembly of God Church in Hansen, ID. He is survived by his parents Carl & Lynne Stanley; siblings Chris Latta (Elizabeth), Bethany Buchi (Spencer), Matthew (Michelle), & Shaye; his wife Coy & daughter River Celeste; 4 nephews & 3 nieces...