Summertime prep highlights council agenda (Local News ~ 04/05/17)
Preparation for summer recreation at the city pool along with other community events headlined a list of issues the city council discussed during a public meeting March 27. The first announcement of the night before getting to city business was the city of Mountain Home passed its fiscal year 2016 audit with no discrepancies noted... -
Commissioners address water, landfill concerns (Local News ~ 04/05/17)
Water issues and decisions regarding a landfill in Elmore County highlighted a list of issues the county commissioners tackled during a meeting March 29. The commissioners are continuing to move forward with the City of Mountain Home with participations involving a water pipeline project that will pump water from the Snake River to Mountain Home Air Force Base... -
Library plan deserved 'yes
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/05/17)
Dear editor, I was shocked to read in last week's paper (March 22, Library board rejects recreation district's offer) that a certain faction in Mountain Home was willing to deny Elmore County residents the option to participate in a program sponsored by the WECRD. This would have provided not only library membership to county residents living within the district but outside of Mountain Home, but also up to $30,000, which I'm sure the library could have used...
Don't cut French program
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/05/17)
Dear editor, Junior high and high school students, parents and staff woke up last week to a startling discovery — our high school French program has been scrapped. No discussion. No options given. Just cut. Mr. Foster, our French teacher, is a former Mountain Home High School student himself. His high school French teacher fostered in him a love of the French language and culture...