T.J. Phone Home
From a small town in Utah, to Las Vegas, to the University of Idaho, back to Las Vegas and a few stops in between, I have been around. I've reached the age of 29 having had a lot of different jobs in different places. Somehow I have managed to keep my sense of humor and individuality. I have been able to maintain my small town ideals while experiencing the big, bad world.
Some people even gave me some awards along the way, including being a national finalist in the SPJ's student awards and twice the first place Idaho Press Club student review writer.
I was born on Halloween and have had an affinity for horror movies and books my whole life. Thankfully, I do read and watch other genres, too.
Summer reading, part two: 1984 and a secret
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at 1:03 PM7Sometimes one must change tactics in order to get things done. Sam, my 13-year-old student, did not care for "The Catcher in the Rye." She stated it was boring and that nothing happened except that Holden, "complained a lot and was always hitting on girls." There is some validity in that statement. At least she somewhat understood what was happening, even if she thought it was nothing... -
Summer reading, part one
Posted Wednesday, July 1, 2009, at 3:06 PM5I'm reading "The Catcher in the Rye" right now and trying to get a 13 year old girl to read it with me. She's reading, I know, because we talk about it every couple days. I admit, I was more ambitious about it than she was. I thought together, we could read 30 pages every two days. It's been almost a month and she's just crossed the 100 page mark... -
It was so hot today ... How hot was it?
Posted Tuesday, May 19, 2009, at 8:44 PMI'm looking at the current temperature in Mountain Home. See it? Up there in the right corner. "Mostly cloudy, 85 degrees," it reads. I think the overnight lows here in sunny Las Vegas (OK, Henderson, but if I said that, would you know where I was?), are in the 80s. I remember that being one of the reasons I left here and ventured north to Idaho in 2006. When the coldest it gets in a 24-hour period is 93, it is time to find new digs...