Dec 19: Micho Picco part two

Today was so amazing. I can't get over how good it felt to sit in my shelter-cave overlooking the ruins while I wrote. I didn't get to write as much as I had wanted to because once the rain stopped, I looked at my watch and saw I had stayed there an extra hour longer than I had originally intended and I wanted to see more of the park.
I did get a couple of post cards knocked out, including one to my sister in Kuwait. Writing her made me miss her, which made me cry.
After the rain stopped, I walked back to the top to come the long back way. I was the only one on the trail and after a while, I started to feel like a loss hiker. I think the Inca's only intended for people to go up, not down as coming down was tricky in spots.
I walked for over an hour without seeing anyone or anything. After a while, I came to a point where I could see two arrows pointing in opposite directions. I chose to go the way I believed was back to the where I had started, knowing the trial made a loop.
After a few steps, I decided to go back the other way to see what the other arrow was pointing to. I discovered a huge cave when I went back. I then remembered the map had said the trail led to the great cave. I had come pretty close to missing it.
The great cave wasn't that great, but the hike around the mountain made it worth it. I really enjoyed the hike, it was tiring and sweaty, but it felt good to keep going, only stopping for the occasional picture.
The hike didn't go back up the mountain completely, but it was a long, continuously incline for most of it. For about another hour, my feet on the rocks and the river were the only sounds I could hear.
It wasn't until I heard a girl laugh in the distance I realized how much I enjoyed the silence. As the trail completed its loop, I discovered the laugh belonged to Tara who was talking to a local. She pretty much attracts locals wherever we go.
I, on the other hand, seem to be able to spot Americans wherever we go, though I'm sure the language barrier is the biggest reason for it.
After I finished the loop, I walked among the ruins for a while. Then I found another spot to finish writing post cards that matched the view.
It was fun and really good just to write for fun. It's been a while since I have. All my writing seems to go towards my stories or papers for class. I really enjoyed writing for myself, a habit I picked up from Tara and greatly appreciate.
Tonight I'm writing from what claims to be the world's highest Irish-owned pub.
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