Robert's Randoms presents entries from the South America journal
Robert J. Taylor traveled through South America from Nov. 24- Dec. 29. While there, he kept a journal. Each blog entry is an entry from that journal, posted daily (excluding weekends and a few other days), as it was written while he traveled.
Dec. 22: Babysitting bus rides
Posted Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at 3:13 AMI'm exhausted. I just got off a 14-hour bus ride from Cuzco to Nazca. I didn't get much sleep at all on the bus last night because the guy in the seat in front of me reclined over most of my legs and I was unable to get comfortable. I'm not saying I mind if someone sleeps on half of me, I'd just like to have some say in who it is... -
Dec 20: going solo
Posted Monday, March 16, 2009, at 11:06 PMWhen I awoke this morning, all I could feel was the pain in my thighs as they burned in the aftermath of yesterday's climb up the mountain. I quickly decided the last thing I wanted to do was sit on a bus for 20 hours to let them get more stiff. I also decided to bypass the Nazca lines, knowing the bus trip to Lima would be the last and I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible... -
Dec 19: Micho Picco part two
Posted Sunday, March 15, 2009, at 3:26 PMToday was so amazing. I can't get over how good it felt to sit in my shelter-cave overlooking the ruins while I wrote. I didn't get to write as much as I had wanted to because once the rain stopped, I looked at my watch and saw I had stayed there an extra hour longer than I had originally intended and I wanted to see more of the park... -
Dec 19: Micho Picco (highlight of trip)
Posted Saturday, March 14, 2009, at 6:50 PMThe view I can see right now is amazing. I'm on top of a mountain that overlooks Micho Piccu, what is left of an Inca city. To the right of the village carved into the middle of a mountain is a valley with a river running through it. I don't know why they call the centuries-old buildings ruins, they are in every bit of good shape as the day they were built... -
Dec 18: Making it to Aguas Calientes
Posted Monday, March 2, 2009, at 2:12 AMWe made it to Aguas Calientes tonight (the last town before Macho Picho), but not without a little bit of drama thrown in for good measure. We had to take a two-hour bus ride to a town where we took a taxi to another town, where the train station was. The taxi, well they called it a mini-bus, was a van with about 18 people thrown in and had a baby llama strapped to the top of it. I couldn't make this up if I tried... -
Dec 17: Another day in Cuzco
Posted Friday, February 27, 2009, at 1:27 AMToday was about as eventful as yesterday but enjoyable none the less. After traveling to so many places in such a short time the last few weeks, it's good to have been in one place long enough to know where things are and to develop preferences to them... -
Dec 16: Falling for Cuzco
Posted Monday, February 16, 2009, at 3:33 PM1Today was a relatively light day in the traveling adventures department. Tara and I headed down the hill fully intended to embark on an number of buildings we could see from the balcony. We made it about halfway down, when we saw a sign for a breakfast burrito. We went inside and after we finished eating, we played dominos with a couple from L.A. The girl is a published poet, Sona Ovasapyan, so that was kinda cool... -
Dec 16: Getting to know Cuzco.
Posted Friday, February 13, 2009, at 3:35 AM1I spent yesterday walking though Cuzco and I really like the town, it's pretty cool. I also spent way too much money, but I got some pretty cool stuff. It took me more than two hours to make it down the half mile or so street from our hostel to the plaza... -
Dec 14: Chaos in Cuzco
Posted Thursday, February 12, 2009, at 12:41 AMI'm so frustrated and confused right now I don't even know where to start. After landing in Lima, Tara and I decided to continue on to Cuzco, which was a 22-hour bus ride. We had heard a lot of bad things about Lima, but felt like we had been lied to once we saw the city ourselves. ... -
Dec: 13: Tara gets robbed (again)
Posted Wednesday, February 11, 2009, at 3:58 AM1We're currently on a plane on our way to Lima, Peru. Peru is our last country on the trip, before we return to Chile for two days prior to coming home. It's both good and bad knowing it's the last country because I like going to new countries, but I'm also looking forward to returning to mine... -
Dec 12: Exploring Asuncion and America's ego
Posted Friday, February 6, 2009, at 3:25 AMI spent the last two days walking around and getting to know Asuncion. On the first day, yesterday, I walked around with Gary, from North Carolina, and Thomas, from Poland. It was good to spend some time with another America, especially one who used to live in Boise. It was good to not only be able to have conversations in perfect English but to also be able to talk to someone about familiar stuff... -
Dec 10: camping trip rained (long, but good)
Posted Wednesday, February 4, 2009, at 2:46 AM1We discovered early afternoon yesterday that we had one all there was to do at the park pretty early in the day. We had yet to determine what to do next when the weather made that choice for us. Tara convinced us it was going to storm so we moved her tent and all of our equipment under a gazebo. The rain started to fall just as we were finishing up... -
Dec 9: My own Taylor Swift video (give or take a Taylor)
Posted Tuesday, February 3, 2009, at 1:19 AMI love watching the waves come in like I am right now. I'm not sure this place would constitute a beach, but it's where the water meets the land. I decided a few days ago that wherever I live next is going to be near the water. I was happy to realize that the short list of cities I want to live in next are near water. I just hope I'm not too busy there to enjoy living by the water... -
Dec. 8: Making it to Paraguay
Posted Sunday, February 1, 2009, at 11:45 PMWe had to go though some of Brazil to get to Paraguay, so now I can say I've actually been there, though my passport lacks a stamp to prove that claim. It cost a whole 3 pesos, or a buck, to ride the bus from Argentina to Paraguay. The driver didn't stop at the boarder, so we had to get off a little down the street and come back to the boarder to get our passports stamped. Apparently, three white people, two with huge backpacks, can pass as locals to drivers... -
Dec. 7: Seeing three places at once
Posted Friday, January 30, 2009, at 10:45 AM1I'm about as buzzed as you can be off of wine at the moment. I'm hoping it doesn't lead to a hangover tomorrow and am sucking down water to help prevent any such hangover I might deserve. Tonight I went running with this girl from Mississippi. We went to this place where we could see Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, which I was standing in, at the same time... -
Dec. 7: The Iguazu Falls
Posted Thursday, January 29, 2009, at 11:20 AMTara woke me up this morning with a simple question: are you ready to go see some kick-(word I'm not allowed to use on this site) waterfalls? I immediately asked her if seeing them could wait five minutes. She told me no, so I told her yes. I stayed half asleep as I got ready, ate breakfast and rode the bus to the park. As soon as I saw the first fall, I was wide awake. There were so many of them. The park says there are at least 220 of them, I think that number could easily be low... -
Dec. 6: Scooters and Colonial (and Mormon missionaries); zoos and bus rides
Posted Tuesday, January 27, 2009, at 10:24 AM1Part one: Uruguay The last three days have been pretty busy, busy but fun. On Wednesday night Tara and I went to a dinner party at Marc's friend's Geoff's house, a fellow Australian who Mark met randomly on a bus some where down here. The two Danish girls we met the other night were also there. Marc cooked some sort of pasta dish with chicken, mushroom, wine and some other stuff that looked a little odd but tasted delicious... -
Dec. 3: Visiting a Holocaust museum
Posted Friday, January 23, 2009, at 5:38 PM3Tara and I are at a Japanese botanical garden. I didn't know places liked this existed, especially not in Argentina. It's pretty, there are so many trees and plans and water runs though it all. Each plant species is labeled, though I don't read Spanish or Japanese. I don't think it would matter much to me anyways. I can't really tell the difference between plants and such... -
Dec. 2: third-world countries' embassy are crazy.
Posted Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at 9:41 AMLast night Tara and I met up with a friend she met while she stayed in a hostel in Chile. He's been traveling the last three years and is headed back to Australia in a couple of weeks because he's finally ran out of money. He's staying with a friend here who also knew some people here, who knew some other people here. There ended up being eight of us there... -
Dec. 1: Checking out Buenos Aires by myself
Posted Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at 11:20 AMRobert Taylor traveled through South America from Nov. 24- Dec. 29. While there, he kept a journal. Each blog entry is an entry from that journal, posted daily (excluding weekends and a few other days), as it was written while he traveled. I just go back from walking around BA my myself. ...
View all blog posts (27)