Dec. 7: Seeing three places at once
I'm about as buzzed as you can be off of wine at the moment.
I'm hoping it doesn't lead to a hangover tomorrow and am sucking down water to help prevent any such hangover I might deserve.
Tonight I went running with this girl from Mississippi. We went to this place where we could see Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, which I was standing in, at the same time.
It was cool to be able to see the three countries at once. It's like they say about being able to be only one place at a time, but different because my eyesight was at three places at at time.
After dinner I walked he Mississippi girl and her traveling buddy from Chicago to the market because I thought it would be easier then trying to explain how to get there. I had a full glass of win that I slipped on the way there and back that nobody said anything about.
Tomorrow we're leaving for Paraguay. We met this Australian guy, Nev, who is going to come with us.
- -- Posted by Amused MtnHomey on Sun, Feb 1, 2009, at 6:12 PM
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