Nov. 28: Political rally in Argentina
Robert Taylor traveled through South America from Nov. 24- Dec. 29. While there, he kept a journal. Each blog entry is an entry from that journal, posted daily (excluding weekends and a few other days), as it was written while he traveled.I'm in Mendoza, Argentina. Tonight I will take an overnight bus to Buenos Aires. I was joking last night it feels a little like being in a band.
The ride from to Vena del Mar to Mendoza was amazing we cane thought the Andes. The mountains were pretty and huge. We drove though a bunch of villages and small towns on the way. As we passed the border into Argintia, it was easy to see the differences in articulutre from one country to the next.
While still in Chile, we drove past some apartments and Tara said they were the type of apartments she thinks of when she thinks of third-word countries. When I think of third-world countries, I still think of the war-torn houses whose roofs had been bombed out outside our base in Iraq. Or like those places in Africa they show with the feed the children commercials with dirt streets. It's interesting that the same term applies to so many different situations.
It's really good, and the point of traveling I guess, to be able to see different things and expand my perceptions on things. I thin people everywhere basically want the same things in life: to be happy and to provide for their children. But people don't, normally, get to chose the settings or circumstances they do so in.
Once here, we found a hostel and started walking around. It's really nice here. It's really clean, they clean just about everywhere here it seems, at least on the streets and in the parks, which are called plazas down here. It seems like a really friendly city and there are so many trees. Tara said the accents here are much easier to understand than in Chile. I wouldn't know.
One of the first things we came across as wan anti-capitalism rally. When we sat down, we thought it was going to be a free music concert. It wasn't until the guy started talking we realized what we stumbled upon.
Tara translated for he said for me. I think she said he said something that had to do with the bank crisis around the world, I've since forgotten exactly what was said. It was interesting to learn the stuff I hear about on TV everyday in the United States is having an impact on others around the world. I guess I should, and do, already know that, but it was interesting to see the that impact on the other side.
It was cool to observe a political rally in another country. I'm not gong to debate the merits of the economic systems, but I think its cool people in other countries have the chance to protest them.
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