Break's Over, Time For The Next Set

Posted Sunday, December 14, 2008, at 10:17 AM
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  • Great blog Mike. How are those fancy cars in the snow? Hope you are doing well!

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Dec 14, 2008, at 11:51 AM
  • Zook you're not crazy... You just weren't thirsty when "They" passed the Kool-aid around. Keep speaking the truth brother!

    -- Posted by Benjogilvy on Sun, Dec 14, 2008, at 2:15 PM
  • Su un sucio cerdo racista. El partido confederal es y siempre será sobre la esclavitud. Inglés nunca será el idioma de este pa's robados. Volver a Polonia que bajo frente, el mono. ¡Viva el socialismo.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Sun, Dec 14, 2008, at 5:47 PM
  • Mike, I knew that but had to ask. If I had one of those in my would be hard to just look at it all winter and not take it out for a little "spin." You are correct but somebody with no insurance would hit me. That is my luck these days. Have a good one Mike.

    JK, at least have the brass ones to post in the native language...English.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Dec 14, 2008, at 10:25 PM
  • *

    Mike, since I met you a few months ago been trying to place you and think I finally got but not to sure, I also worked on the F111 for a number of years A model and the F model as it came here new from the factory. I spend sometime in Yellow section, Job Control but most of it was in R & R.

    -- Posted by Eagle_eye on Mon, Dec 15, 2008, at 5:13 PM
  • của bạn vẫn còn bỏ qua. bạn noi như tham lam american.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Mon, Dec 15, 2008, at 8:03 PM
  • Bienvenido al. ... Partido Nacional confederado Restaurar los Estados Confederados de América a su lugar con derecho entre las naciones del mundo PLATAFORMA CONFEDERADA de PARTIDO Nosotros, como ciudadanos comunes de Estados Unidos, tener se reúne con ningunos patrocinadores mayores ni controlando intereses de otra manera que nuestro interés común en la libertad y la igualdad han formado el Partido Nacional Confederado. Nosotros ahora exponemos en este documento nuestras creencias y el orden del d'a comunes de lo que deseamos lograr como un partido nacional. Creemos que el poder del gobierno viene de las personas gobernada y es otorgado por esas personas al gobierno para la protecci--n de las personas, no para el control de las personas. Los estados que componen el pa's de Estados Unidos son entidades soberanas superior al gobierno federal de estos EEUU y que el único papel verdadero para el gobierno federal es de actuar como una voz unificada para los varios Estados a tratar con naciones extranjeras y para servir como la orden central de las fuerzas armadas en caso de la guerra. Creemos en la igualdad y libertad verdaderas para todas personas de todos sexos, de las carreras, de las creencias, de las religiones, y de orientaciones sexuales. Nuestra naci--n fue fundada en la moralidad y principios cristianos y nuestro antepasados reconoci-- que Dios y Lo visit-- para Su gu'a a crear nuestro pa's. Nosotros personas bienvenidas de todas religiones o creencias y favorece su expresi--n libre de esas creencias. Esperamos s--lo la misma cortes'a a cambio de lo nuestro. Creemos en verdadero y justo leyes que sirven a aún más la seguridad y estabilidad de nuestra sociedad; no leyes que restringen nuestra sociedad y los vivir diarios de ciudadanos. Con esos principios en la mente, nosotros creemos que el gobierno federal actual ha llegado a ser demasiado grande, demasiado poderoso, y demasiado restrictivo de los derechos de los ciudadanos de este pa's. Nosotros también creemos que grupos de presi--n especiales han llegado a ser demasiado poderosos en el gobierno de esta naci--n y han establecido una relaci--n que intercambia con pol'ticos profesionales en los que los grupos financian las campañas pol'ticas y son recompensados con regalos monetarios y legislativos de esos pol'ticos. Habiendo expuesto esos principios de nuestras creencias arriba, nosotros hemos determinado los art'culos siguientes a ser objetivos clave de nuestro orden del d'a nacional. 1. Nueva Constituci--n de la Enmienda que revoca 14, y Enmiendas decimoquintas y abole esclavitud dentro de estos EEUU. 2. Una Enmienda a la Constituci--n que indica esa anulaci--n y la secesi--n es los derechos inalienables e irrefutables de los Estados. 3. Una ley y la Enmienda Constitucional eventual que declara inglés como el idioma oficial de estos EEUU. 4. La eliminaci--n de todos poderes en el nivel Federal que no es dado expl'citamente al gobierno federal por la Constituci--n. 5. La retirada inmediata de las Naciones Unidas y el desahucio de todas agencias Unidas de la Naci--n y organizaciones de la tierra de EEUU. 6. La abolici--n del Banco de la reserva federal. 7. La retirada planeada y gradual de todo EEUU fuerzas militares de todas naciones y territorios extranjeros. 8. El impuesto de renta federal aboli-- y reemplaz-- por un sistema de la financiaci--n por una exacci--n de tributos directa en los estados en proporci--n a la poblaci--n de esos estados y estableci-- por convenci--n de los estados. 9. La reforma del quitar judicial federal de sistema muchos de los poderes del magistratura federales sobre los estados. 10. Una reiteraci--n de las primeras 10 enmiendas a la Constituci--n. Si necesario, una nueva enmienda que vuelve a exponer los principios básicos de tal manera que no puede ser interpreta mal. 11. Un l'mite en los salarios de funcionarios elegidos. Ningún funcionario elegido jamás recibirá un salario más que el salario de mediana de la naci--n. 12. La legislaci--n para asegurar que ningún funcionario elegido jamás servirá más de dos términos consecutivos. Creemos que el ciudadano común de este pa's ha llegado a ser desconfiado de pol'ticos profesionales y se siente privado del derecho de votaci--n. Seleccionaremos a nuestros candidatos de trabajar diario hombres y a mujeres de todas facetas de la sociedad y volveremos el poder de controlar el gobierno y la naci--n al ciudadano medio. Nuestra organizaci--n pol'tica es controlada y es dirigida del fondo arriba, en que las oficinas locales del partido proporcionan direcci--n y plataforma art'culos a las organizaciones del estado que entonces dirigen la organizaci--n nacional. Con el apoyo del millones de norteamericanos que han llegado a ser desilusionados con el sistema actual, nosotros empujaremos para volver esta gran naci--n a las libertades y la grandeza que lo supo una vez antes que el gobierno federal empez-- sobrepasar sus fronteras Constitucionales. CONTACTE INFORMACION PARTIDO P.O NACIONAL CONFEDERADO. Encajone 53 Tate, Georgia 30177 CORREO ELECTRONICO: Los SITIOS WEB del ESTADO de & OFICIALES El Partido confederado de Presidente de Estado de sitio web de Arizona Cogar L El Partido confederado de Presidente de Estado de sitio web de Georgia K. Monje de Steven El Partido confederado de Presidente de Estado de sitio web de Pennsylvania George Ordenado El Partido confederado de Presidente Occidental de Estado de Virginia: Bayas de espino de Charles

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Mon, Dec 15, 2008, at 8:17 PM
  • "Ex-Intern, we can ALL point fingers, but that doesn't fix anything.

    The south lost the Civil War and the slaves were freed."

    You were pointing fingers before I was, talking about Northern intrusion onto the Southern states. All I did was cite an example that showed the reverse and ask for one that shows this "Northern intrusion."

    And so far, no one has dredged one up. And now, you want to shrug off all of that as ancient history "160 years ago," - segregation was clearly denying Americans rights up til the late 1960s, part of that re-infiltration I mentioned earlier. You "don't care" what the Quakers were doing the Civil War - even though THEY were the ones standing up for individual liberties. You want to talk about things I'm largely indifferent on, or things I've already commented on in the past.

    I think it's because you know how weak the historic confederacy's case is.

    But you want to talk about this "new" agenda, saying any suggestion it promotes slavery is "stupid" - and the new agenda is curtail the powers and scope of the federal government and its ability to fund its operations.

    So the federal government is less able to prosecute civil rights violations including landlords and home ownership associations restricting the sales of homes to certain races and groups. So more factory workers and miners get maimed or killed on the job when OSHA and MSHA are cut or eliminated. Eliminate earmarks and grant funding, even for hospitals, local police and fire departments, prisons and a whole slew of other programs and as far as finding alternate revenue sources, they're on their own.

    It doesn't matter if these are not the results you plan on, they are what would happen. All of these things exist because without them, that is exactly what was happening.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Tue, Dec 16, 2008, at 1:50 AM
  • You have no idea what your talking about when it comes to welfare/unemployment. The reason there are some many having to rely on assistance is because your wealthy industrialist move the factories out of the country so they can make more money, instead of paying honest, patriotic Americans a fair wage. Not everyone on welfare abuses the system, a vast majority have no other choice because there are more people then there are jobs. And why is that? Because the wealthy want to become wealthier by taking advantage of the desperately poor people in third world countries that will work for $5.00 a day. So your right, the wealthy own the industrial plants, fire the American people, move the plants out of country, leaving your fellow Americans in the gutter and ignorant people like you get on their case for not having jobs. (That is the slap in the face of Working class Americans!)

    So I say, put the rich in their place and give back what they stole and steal from us everyday. They make enough money every month that they could collectively feed a small town for a year and still be able to buy an island after wards. They are greedy pigs that only think of money, so screw them.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Tue, Dec 16, 2008, at 1:40 PM
  • Usted no tiene ninguna idea qué el su hablar cuando viene al bienestar/al desempleo. La raz--n all' es algunos muchas que tienen que confiar en ayuda es porque su movimiento rico del industrial las fábricas fuera del pa's as' que ellos puede hacer más dinero, en vez de pagar a americanos honestos, patri--ticos un salario justo. No cada uno en bienestar abusa del sistema, una gran mayor'a no tiene ninguna otra opci--n porque hay más gente entonces all' es trabajos. ¿Y por qué es eso? Porque el ricos quieren llegar a ser más ricos aprovechándose de la gente desesperadamente pobre en los pa'ses del tercer mundo que trabajarán para $5.00 por d'a. Tan la su derecha, el rico posee las plantas industriales, enciende a la gente americana, mueve las plantas fuera del pa's, dejando a sus americanos compañeros en el canal y la gente ignorante como usted consigue en su caso para no tener trabajos. (Que es la palmada frente a americanos de la clase obrera!)

    Digo, pongo a los ricos en su lugar y doy detrás qué robaron y los robo tan de nosotros diarios. Hacen bastante dinero cada mes que podr'an alimentar colectivamente una pequeña ciudad por un año y todav'a poder comprar una isla después de salas. Son los cerdos codiciosos que piensan solamente en el dinero, los atornillan tan.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Tue, Dec 16, 2008, at 1:41 PM
  • Immigrants, Work, and Welfare

    by Jacob G. Hornberger

    One of the common laments of the anti-immigration crowd is that illegal immigrants are coming to the United States just to get on welfare.

    I suppose the idea is that illegal immigrants are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to an illegal guide to take them on a dangerous trek across the desert or have them transported in the back of a tractor-trailer is so that they can be taken immediately to a local welfare office to begin collecting a welfare check.

    But if that is true, then why is it that you never hear of illegal immigrants getting busted at the welfare office? How come they're always getting busted working in private businesses?

    Is it possible -- just possible -- that Americans, who do have a deep and abiding love for welfare, project their love-of-welfare feelings on illegal immigrants, who in reality seem to have a deep and abiding love for a strong work ethic instead?

    How is it that illegal immigrants are able to find their way into the U.S. job market, especially when there are lots of Americans reporting to the welfare office everyday? If there are no jobs, which the Americans in the welfare line will tell you is the case, how is it that illegal immigrants are able to find jobs that supposedly don't exist?

    What all too many Americans fail to realize is that immigrants, especially the illegal ones, contribute mightily to economic prosperity. Not only do they bring a dynamism that is lacking in many Americans, they also produce increased levels of prosperity with their consumption patterns. They're buying used cars, housing, clothing, and the like, which increases better-paying job opportunities for Americans in those types of sectors.

    There is also the division of labor that immigrants bring, which contributes to people's higher standard of living. Suppose, for example, an 80-year-old man spends 3 days blowing leaves off his big back yard every fall. One fall day, two illegal immigrants show up at his door and offer to blow the leaves away for $20 total. The man might well find it in his own self-interest to agree to the deal. If so, his standard of living has increased.

    There are those who argue that illegal immigrants are burdensome to government-owned schools and government-owned hospitals. As my associate Sheldon Richman has suggested, notice that it's only the public (i.e., government) sector that considers too many customers to be a burden. When was the last time you heard Wal-Mart, Home Depot, or McDonalds complaining that too many customers are a burden? If schools and hospitals were turned over to the same private-property, free-market forces under which other businesses operate, wouldn't they have the same positive attitude toward customers that other private businesses have?

    There's also an amusing aspect to the lament that illegal immigrants are burdening the public schools. The idea is that Americans don't want to be paying taxes to fund the schooling of illegal immigrants.

    One reason this is amusing is that Americans have rigged the system with compulsory-attendance laws. Since most immigrant families are unable to homeschool and since they cannot afford private schools, the compulsory-attendance laws leave them no choice but to send their children into the system. Why not simply repeal compulsory-attendance laws (or, better yet, separate school and state entirely), which would relieve the illegal immigrant from burdening everyone by putting his children into government schools?

    Another reason it's amusing is that the Americans who issue the lament are themselves guilty of the very thing they're complaining about with respect to immigrants. For example, I personally don't have children. Yet, people in my county have no reservations about using the tax system to plunder and loot me to subsidize the schooling of their children. Then after looting me and other similarly situated in such a fashion, they exclaim, "Please stop the illegals from looting me because I don't want to pay for the schooling of their children."

    The third reason that it's amusing is that immigrants do pay taxes, including property, sales, and income taxes.

    Their employers withhold money from their paychecks for both income taxes and Social Security taxes. I would assume that many illegal immigrants file for income-tax refunds but surely there are some that are too scared to do so, which means a free "gift" from the illegal immigrant to the U.S. Treasury.

    On Social Security, the illegal immigrant clearly receives the short end of the stick. As defenders of Social Security often put it, the immigrants are "paying in to the system." Yet, many of them return to their home countries, never to make a claim on Social Security. Thus, there is a "free" gift to current U.S. Social Security recipients, whose money comes from current Social Security payers.

    In fact, according to an editorial in today's New York Times, "We're not talking chump change. According to the report, the taxes paid by other-than-legal immigrants will close 15 percent of the system's projected long-term deficit. That's equivalent to raising the payroll tax by 0.3 percentage points, starting today."

    This, it's ironic that some of the most ardent anti-immigrant types are elderly people on Social Security. You would think they would say to themselves, "Thank goodness for the illegal immigrants or otherwise my children and grandchildren would have to be paying even higher Social Security taxes to fund my retirement."

    Isn't it ironic, then, that while some Americans complain that immigrants are coming to America just to get on welfare, the reality is that not only are they coming to America to work, their efforts not only contribute to America's economic prosperity but also to its socialistic welfare state?

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Tue, Dec 16, 2008, at 5:07 PM
  • Los inmigrantes, el Trabajo, y el Bienestar por Jacob G. Hornberger

    Uno de los lamentos comunes de la multitud anti inmigraci--n es que inmigrantes ilegales vienen a Estados Unidos a montarse justo el bienestar. Supongo que la idea es que inmigrantes ilegales están dispuesto a pagar cientos de d--lares a una gu'a ilegal por tomarlos en una jornada ardua peligrosa a través del desierto o tenerlos transportaron en la espalda de un tractor-remolque es para que ellos puedan ser tomados inmediatamente a una oficina local del bienestar para empezar reunir un cheque del bienestar. ¿Pero si eso es verdad, entonces por qué será que usted nunca oye de inmigrantes ilegales que consiguen busted en la oficina del bienestar? ¿C--mo vengan ellos siempre consiguen trabajar de busted en negocios privados? ¿Es posible -- justo posible -- que norteamericanos, quién tiene un amor profundo y duradero para el bienestar, proyecta sus sentimientos del amor del bienestar en inmigrantes ilegales, que en realidad parece tener un amor profundo y duradero para una ética del trabajo fuerte en lugar? ¿C--mo es que inmigrantes ilegales pueden llegar sin ayuda en el mercado de trabajo de EEUU, especialmente cuando hay muchos norteamericanos que informan a la oficina del bienestar diaria? ¿Si no hay trabajos, que los norteamericanos en la l'nea del bienestar dirán usted es el caso, c--mo es que inmigrantes ilegales pueden encontrar trabajos que según cabe suponer no existe? Qué todos demasiados norteamericanos fallan de darse cuenta de es que inmigrantes, especialmente los ilegal, contribuyen tremendamente a la prosperidad econ--mica. No s--lo haga ellos traen un dinamismo que no tiene a muchos norteamericanos, ellos también producen niveles aumentados de prosperidad con sus pautas de consumo. Ellos compran coches utilizados, albergar, la ropa, y cosas por el estilo, que aumenta oportunidades de trabajo de mejor-pagando para norteamericanos en esos tipos de sectores. Hay también la divisi--n del trabajo que inmigrantes traen, que contribuye al nivel de vida más alto de personas. Suponga, por ejemplo, un hombre de 80 años de edad gasta 3 d'as que soplan hojas de su traspatio grande cada ca'da. Un d'a de la ca'da, dos inmigrantes ilegales aparecen en su puerta y la oferta para soplar las hojas lejos para $20 total. El hombre quizás encuentre bien que en su propio interés para aceptar el trato. Si eso es el caso, su nivel de vida ha aumentado. Hay los que discuten que inmigrantes ilegales son pesados a escuelas estatales y hospitales estatales. Cuando mi Sheldon Richman asociado ha sugerido, la nota que es s--lo el público (es decir, el gobierno) sector que considera demasiados a clientes para ser un carga. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez usted oy-- Wal-Mercado, en casa Estaci--n, o McDonalds que queja que demasiados clientes son un carga? ¿Si las escuelas y los hospitales fueron entregados la misma propiedad privada, el mercado libre fuerza bajo que otros negocios opera, no tendr'an ellos la misma actitud positiva hacia clientes que otros negocios privados tienen? Hay también un aspecto divertido al lamento que inmigrantes ilegales cargan las escuelas públicas. La idea es que norteamericanos no quieren estar pagando impuestos para financiar la educaci--n de inmigrantes ilegales. Una raz--n que esto divierte es que norteamericanos han aparejado el sistema con leyes de obligatorio-asistencia. Desde que la mayor'a de las familias de inmigrante pueden non enseñar en casa y desde que ellos no pueden proporcionar colegios privados, las leyes de obligatorio-asistencia no les dejan elecci--n pero para enviar a sus niños en el sistema. ¿Por qué no revoca las leyes simplemente de obligatorio-asistencia (ni, mejor todav'a, separa la escuela y el estado enteramente), que aliviar'a al inmigrante ilegal de cargar todos poniendo a sus niños en escuelas de gobierno? Otra raz--n que lo divierte es que los norteamericanos que publican el lamento son a s' mismo culpable de la muy cosa que ellos se quejan de con respeto a inmigrantes. Por ejemplo, yo personalmente no tengo a niños. Todav'a, las personas en mi condado no tienen reservaciones acerca de utilizar el sistema tributario saquear y saquearme subvencionar la educaci--n de sus niños. Entonces después de saquearme y otro asimismo situado en tal moda, ellos exclaman, "para por favor el ilegal de saquearme porque yo no quiero pagar por la educaci--n de sus niños". La tercera raz--n que divierte es que inmigrantes pagan impuestos, inclusive propiedad, las ventas, y los impuestos de renta. Sus empleadores retienen dinero de sus cheques de pago para tanto para los impuestos de renta como los impuestos del seguro social. Asumir'a que muchos inmigrantes ilegales archivan para reembolsos de impuesto de renta pero hay seguramente algún que son espantados también hacer as', que significa un obsequio del inmigrante ilegal al Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. En la Seguridad social, el inmigrante ilegal recibe claramente el fin corto del palo. Cuando defensores de Seguridad social a menudo lo ponen, los inmigrantes "pagan en al sistema". Todav'a, muchos de ellos vuelven a sus patrias, nunca hacer un reclamo en la Seguridad social. As', hay un obsequio a recipientes actuales de Seguridad social de EEUU, cuyo dinero viene de pagadores actuales de Seguridad social. De hecho, según un editorial en New York Times de hoy, "Nosotros no hablamos cambio tonto. Según el informe, los impuestos pagados por otro que inmigrantes legales cerrarán el 15 por ciento del déficit a largo plazo proyectado de sistema. Eso equivale a levantar el impuesto sobre la n--mina por 0,3 puntos porcentuales, comenzando hoy". Esto, es ir--nico que algunos de los tipos de inmigrantes más ardientes anti son personas de edad avanzada en la Seguridad social. Usted pensar'a que ellos dir'an a s' mismos, "menos mal para los inmigrantes ilegales o de otro modo mis niños y nietos tendr'an que estar pagando impuestos del seguro social aun más altos por financiar mi jubilaci--n". ¿No es ir--nico, entonces, eso mientras algunos norteamericanos se quejan que inmigrantes vienen a América para montarse justo el bienestar, la realidad es eso no s--lo es ellos viniendo a América para trabajar, sus esfuerzos no s--lo contribuyen a la prosperidad econ--mica de América pero también a su estado benefactor socialista?

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Tue, Dec 16, 2008, at 5:08 PM
  • "But the driving force behind the South's contempt for the North was government intrusion."

    "In the 1860's, it was the 'Yankees'. In the 21st Century, it's the 'Feds'"

    "the intrusion into their lives from those 'Damned Yankees' up north."

    Those are just a few of the highlights from YOUR words several days ago and back just before the election, not mine. Before a few days ago I don't believe I'd referred to the Civil War while commenting on this blog at all.

    Only after I cited examples that the reverse was true, did you suddenly want to move on from history. ONLY after I illustrated the Southern instrusion upon Northern states, only after I asked for an example of "Northern intrusion" did it become -

    "This is 2008, going into 2009."

    "We can ALL point fingers"

    "These are things we ALREADY know. (-) This is 2008."

    And I'm still waiting.

    How did the North intrude upon the South in such a way to justify taking up arms against one's own country and killing U.S. soldiers?

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Wed, Dec 17, 2008, at 2:48 AM
  • Again you are still under the propaganda of the red scare years. Russia was communism or socialism only in name. Stalin/Hitler/Mussolini what have you were fascist dictators and any real socialist wouldn't have that. And that is a fact! Those fascists used the labor movement as a stepping stone to power like most politicians.

    If you'd actually look into the history of the labor movement, you would see that it was socialist/communist/anarchist combined with labor unions that they helped create, that won almost all the workers rights in this country. And it was the Government combined with big business, that saw the power of the working people and realized that they would begin to lose money if these people had control of their work environments and social environments. So, the government did what it does best, misinforms the public and demonized these groups.

    I will give you the principles that we have always stood by since the beginning of the labor movement/s.

    Socialist Party USA: Statement of Principles


    THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community.

    Socialism is not mere government ownership, a welfare state, or a repressive bureaucracy. Socialism is a new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes, and schools. The production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. Socialism produces a constantly renewed future by not plundering the resources of the earth.

    Under capitalist and "Communist" states, people have little control over fundamental areas of their lives. The capitalist system forces workers to sell their abilities and skills to the few who own the workplaces, profit from these workers' labor, and use the government to maintain their privileged position. Under "Communist" states, decisions are made by Communist Party officials, the bureaucracy and the military. The inevitable product of each system is a class society with gross inequality of privileges, a draining of the productive wealth and goods of the society into military purposes, environmental pollution, and war in which workers are compelled to fight other workers.

    People across the world need to cast off the systems which oppress them, and build a new world fit for all humanity. Democratic revolutions are needed to dissolve the power now exercised by the few who control great wealth and the government. By revolution we mean a radical and fundamental change in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations. The building of socialism requires widespread understanding and participation, and will not be achieved by an elite working "on behalf of" the people. The working class is in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class and its power. The working class is the major force worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future -- to a real radical democracy from below.

    Radical democracy is the cornerstone not only of our socialism, but also of our strategy. Here are the main features of each:

    Socialist Society

    Freedom & Equality

    Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system. We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions.

    Production For Use, Not For Profit

    In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.

    These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

    Full Employment

    Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, under-skilled and unemployed, largely along racial and gender lines, to exert pressure on those who are employed and on organized labor. The employed pay for this knife that capitalism holds to their throats by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. In socialism, full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work.

    Worker & Community Control

    Democracy in daily life is the core of our socialism. Public ownership becomes a fraud if decisions are made by distant bureaucrats or authoritarian managers. In socialist society power resides in worker-managed and cooperative enterprises. Community-based cooperatives help provide the flexibility and innovation required in a dynamic socialist economy. Workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions. Worker and community control make it possible to combine life at work, home and in the community into a meaningful whole for adults and children. Girls and boys are encouraged to grow up able to choose freely the shape of their lives and work without gender and racial stereotyping. Children are provided with the care, goods and services, and support that they need, and are protected from abuse.

    Ecological Harmony

    A socialist society carefully plans its way of life and technology to be a harmonious part of our natural environment. This planning takes place on regional, national, and international levels and covers the production of energy, the use of scarce resources, land-use planning, the prevention of pollution and the preservation of wildlife. The cleanup of the contaminated environment and the creation of a nuclear-free world are among the first tasks of a socialist society.

    Socialist Strategy

    Socialist Feminism and Women's Liberation

    Socialist feminism confronts the common root of sexism, racism and classism: the determination of a life of oppression or privilege based on accidents of birth or circumstances. Socialist feminism is an inclusive way of creating social change. We value synthesis and cooperation rather than conflict and competition.

    We work against the exploitation and oppression of women who live with lower wages, inferior working conditions and subordination in the home, in society and in politics. Socialists struggle for the full freedom of women and men to control their own bodies and reproductive systems and to determine their own sexual orientation. We stand for the right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion, at no cost, regardless of age, race, or circumstance.

    Women's independent organizations and caucuses are essential to full liberation, both before and after the transformation to socialism. Women will define their own liberation.

    Liberation of Oppressed People

    Bigotry and discrimination help the ruling class divide, exploit, and abuse workers here and in the Third World. The Socialist Party works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. We recognize the right of self-defense in the face of attacks; we also support non-violent direct action in combating oppression. We fully support strong and expanded affirmative action programs to help combat the entrenched inertia of a racist and sexist system which profits from discrimination and social division.

    People of color, lesbians and gays, and other oppressed groups need independent organization to fight oppression. Racism will not be eliminated merely by eliminating capitalism.

    International Solidarity & Peace

    People around the world have more in common with each other than with their rulers. We condemn war, preparation for war, and the militaristic culture because they play havoc with people's lives and divert resources from constructive social projects. Militarism also concentrates even greater power in the hands of the few, the powerful and the violent. We align with no nation, but only with working people throughout the world.

    Internal Democracy

    Socialism and democracy are one and indivisible. The Socialist Party is democratic, with its structure and practices visible and accessible to all members. We reject dogma and promote internal debate. The Socialist Party is a "multi-tendency" organization. We orient ourselves around our principles and develop a common program, but our members have various underlying philosophies and views of the world. Solidarity within the party comes from the ability of those with divergent views on some issues to engage in a collective struggle towards social revolution. We strive to develop feminist practice within the party.

    Cultural Freedom

    Art is an integral part of daily life. It should not be treated as just a commodity produced by the activity of an elite group. Socialists work to create opportunities for participation in art and cultural activities. We work for the restoration and preservation of the history and culture of working people, women, and oppressed minorities.

    The Personal as Political

    Living under domination and struggling against it exact a personal toll. Socialists regard the distortion of personal life and interpersonal relations under capitalism as a political matter. Socialism must ultimately improve life; this cannot be accomplished by demanding that personal lives be sacrificed for the movement. We cherish the right of personal privacy and the enrichment of culture through diversity.

    Electoral Action

    Socialists participate in the electoral process to present socialist alternatives. The Socialist Party does not divorce electoral politics from other strategies for basic change. While a minority, we fight for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future. When a majority we will rapidly introduce those changes, which constitute socialism, with priority to the elimination of the power of big business through public ownership and workers' control.

    By participating in local government, socialists can support movements of working people and make improvements that illustrate the potential of public ownership. We support electoral action independent of the capitalist-controlled two-party system.

    Democratic Revolution From Below

    No oppressed group has ever been liberated except by its own organized efforts to overthrow its oppressors. A society based on radical democracy, with power exercised through people's organizations, requires a socialist transformation from below. People's organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution.

    They can grow only in the course of popular struggles, especially those of women, labor, and minority groups. The Socialist Party works to build these organizations democratically.

    The process of struggle profoundly shapes the ends achieved. Our tactics in the struggle for radical democratic change reflect our ultimate goal of a society founded on principles of egalitarian, non-exploitative and non-violent relations among all people and between all peoples.

    To be free we must create new patterns for our lives and live in new ways in the midst of a society that does not understand and is often hostile to new, better modes of life. Our aim is the creation of a new social order, a society in which the commanding value is the infinite preciousness of every woman, man and child.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Wed, Dec 17, 2008, at 3:58 PM
  • Una vez más usted está todav'a en la propaganda del miedo rojo años. Rusia fue el comunismo o el socialismo s--lo en el nombre. Stalin / Hitler / Mussolini lo que se han fascistas dictadores y un verdadero socialista no habr'a que. Y eso es un hecho! Los fascistas utilizan el movimiento obrero como un peldaño en el camino al poder como la mayor'a de los pol'ticos.

    Si desea ver realmente en la historia del movimiento obrero, lo har'a ver que era socialista / comunista / anarquista junto con los sindicatos que ayud-- a crear, que gan-- casi todos los derechos de los trabajadores en este pa's. Y fue el Gobierno junto con las grandes empresas, que vio el poder de los trabajadores y se dieron cuenta de que se empiezan a perder dinero si estas personas ten'an el control de sus entornos de trabajo y entornos sociales. Por lo tanto, el gobierno hizo lo que hace mejor de los casos, misinforms la opini--n pública y satanizado a estos grupos.

    Le daré los principios que siempre hemos mantenido desde el comienzo del movimiento obrero / s.

    Partido Socialista EE.UU.: declaraci--n de principios


    El Partido Socialista se esfuerza por establecer una democracia radical que pone la vida de las personas bajo su propio control - una no-racista, sin clases, feminista, socialista de la sociedad en la que las personas que cooperen en el trabajo, en casa, y en la comunidad.

    El socialismo no es la mera propiedad del gobierno, un estado de bienestar, o una burocracia represiva. El socialismo es un nuevo orden social y econ--mico en el que los trabajadores y los consumidores controlar la producci--n y los residentes de la comunidad el control de sus vecindarios, casas, y las escuelas. La producci--n de la sociedad se utiliza para el beneficio de toda la humanidad, no para el beneficio privado de unos pocos. El socialismo produce un futuro renovado constantemente por no saqueo de los recursos de la tierra.

    En virtud del capitalista y comunista los Estados, las personas tienen poco control sobre áreas fundamentales de su vida. El sistema capitalista las fuerzas de los trabajadores a vender sus habilidades y destrezas a los pocos que poseen los lugares de trabajo, se benefician de estos trabajadores "mano de obra, y utilizar el gobierno para mantener su posici--n privilegiada. En virtud de los estados comunistas, las decisiones son tomadas por funcionarios del Partido Comunista, la burocracia y los militares. El producto inevitable de cada sistema es una clase de la sociedad con grave desigualdad de privilegios, un drenaje de la riqueza productiva y de los bienes de la sociedad en fines militares, la contaminaci--n del medio ambiente, y la guerra en las que los trabajadores se ven obligados a luchar contra otros trabajadores.

    Personas en todo el mundo necesitan a emitir fuera de los sistemas que oprimen a ellos, y construir un nuevo mundo apropiado para toda la humanidad. Revoluciones democráticas son necesarias para disolver el poder ejerce en la actualidad por los pocos que controlan gran riqueza y el gobierno. Por revoluci--n entendemos un cambio radical y fundamental cambio en la estructura y la calidad de los derechos econ--micos, pol'ticos, y las relaciones personales. La construcci--n del socialismo requiere de una comprensi--n amplia y la participaci--n, y no se logrará por una elite que trabajan en favor de la poblaci--n. La clase obrera es clave en una posici--n central y para luchar contra la decisi--n clase capitalista y su poder. La clase trabajadora es la principal fuerza en todo el mundo que puede conducir el camino hacia un futuro socialista, a una verdadera democracia radical desde abajo.

    La democracia radical es la piedra angular no s--lo de nuestro socialismo, sino también de nuestra estrategia. Aqu' están las principales caracter'sticas de cada uno:

    Sociedad Socialista

    Libertad y equidad

    El socialismo democrático es un sistema pol'tico y econ--mico con la libertad y la igualdad para todos, para que las personas puedan desarrollar su pleno potencial en armon'a con los demás. El Partido Socialista se ha comprometido a la plena libertad de expresi--n, reuni--n, prensa y religi--n, y un sistema multipartidista. Estamos dedicados a la abolici--n de la supremac'a masculina y la sociedad de clases, as' como a la eliminaci--n de todas las formas de opresi--n, incluidas las basadas en motivos de raza, origen nacional, edad, preferencias sexuales, y las condiciones discapacitantes.

    Producci--n para el uso, sin ánimo de lucro

    En un sistema socialista el pueblo propia y el control de los medios de producci--n y distribuci--n controlado democráticamente a través de los organismos públicos, cooperativas, u otros grupos colectivos. El objetivo principal de la actividad econ--mica es proporcionar a las necesidades de la vida, incluida la alimentaci--n, la vivienda, la atenci--n de la salud, la educaci--n, el cuidado de los niños, oportunidades culturales, sociales y de servicios.

    Estos incluyen los servicios sociales de atenci--n para los enfermos cr--nicos, personas con discapacidad mental, los enfermos y el envejecimiento. De Planificaci--n se lleva a cabo en la comunidad, regional y nacional, y está decidido democráticamente, con la entrada de los trabajadores, los consumidores y el público para ser servido.

    El pleno empleo

    En virtud del capitalismo de bienestar, una reserva de personas se mantiene undereducated, en virtud de cualificaci--n y desempleados, en gran parte a lo largo de la discriminaci--n racial y de género l'neas, para ejercer presi--n sobre aquellos que son empleados y el trabajo organizado. Los empleados pagan por este cuchillo que el capitalismo tiene a sus gargantas de ser gravados para financiar programas de bienestar para mantener a los desempleados y sus hijos. De este modo, la clase obrera está dividida contra s' misma, los puestos de trabajo y con los que no tienen están separados por el resentimiento y el miedo. En el socialismo, el pleno empleo se realiza para todos los que quiere trabajar.

    Trabajador y control de la comunidad

    Democracia en la vida cotidiana es el núcleo de nuestro socialismo. La propiedad pública se convierte en un fraude si las decisiones son tomadas por bur--cratas distantes o autoritarios administradores. En la sociedad socialista el poder reside en los trabajadores y los administrados y las empresas cooperativas. Comunidad basada en las cooperativas ayudan a proporcionar la flexibilidad y la innovaci--n necesaria en una dinámica econom'a socialista. Los trabajadores tienen el derecho a formar sindicatos libremente, y a la huelga y participar en otras formas de trabajo las acciones. Trabajadores y control de la comunidad que sea posible combinar la vida en el trabajo, el hogar y en la comunidad en su conjunto una para adultos y niños. Las niñas y los niños se les anima a crecer en condiciones de elegir libremente la forma de su vida y de trabajo sin género y estereotipos raciales. Los niños son siempre con el cuidado, bienes y servicios, y el apoyo que necesitan, y están protegidos de los abusos.

    Armon'a ecol--gica

    Una sociedad socialista cuidadosamente los planes de su modo de vida y la tecnolog'a a ser una armoniosa parte de nuestro entorno natural. Esta planificaci--n se lleva a cabo a nivel regional, nacional e internacional y abarca la producci--n de energ'a, la utilizaci--n de los escasos recursos, planificaci--n del uso del suelo, la prevenci--n de la contaminaci--n y la preservaci--n de la vida silvestre. La limpieza de la contaminaci--n del medio ambiente y la creaci--n de un mundo libre de armas nucleares se encuentran entre las primeras tareas de una sociedad socialista.

    Estrategia socialista

    El feminismo socialista y la liberaci--n de las mujeres

    El feminismo socialista se enfrenta a la ra'z común del sexismo, el racismo y clasismo: la determinaci--n de una vida de opresi--n o privilegio basado en los accidentes de nacimiento o las circunstancias. El feminismo socialista es una forma de crear el cambio social. Valoramos la s'ntesis y la cooperaci--n en lugar de conflicto y la competencia.

    Estamos en contra de la explotaci--n y la opresi--n de las mujeres que viven con salarios más bajos, inferiores condiciones de trabajo y la subordinaci--n en el hogar, en la sociedad y en la pol'tica. Socialistas lucha por la plena libertad de las mujeres y los hombres a controlar sus propios --rganos y sistemas y reproductiva a fin de determinar su propia orientaci--n sexual. Defendemos el derecho de las mujeres a elegir tener un seguro y el aborto legal, sin costo alguno, independientemente de su edad, raza, o la circunstancia.

    De la Mujer organizaciones independientes y grupos que son esenciales para la plena liberaci--n, tanto antes como después de la transformaci--n al socialismo. Mujer definir su propia liberaci--n.

    Liberaci--n de los oprimidos

    La intolerancia y la discriminaci--n ayudar a la clase gobernante dividir, explotar, y el abuso de trabajadores aqu' y en el Tercer Mundo. El Partido Socialista trabaja para eliminar los prejuicios y la discriminaci--n en todas sus formas. Reconocemos el derecho de leg'tima defensa en la cara de los ataques, sino que también no apoyo la acci--n directa violenta en la lucha contra la opresi--n. Apoyamos plenamente firme y la ampliaci--n de programas de acci--n afirmativa para ayudar a luchar contra la inercia arraigada de un racista y sexista que los beneficios del sistema de discriminaci--n y divisi--n social.

    La gente de color, las lesbianas y los gays, y otros grupos oprimidos necesidad organizaci--n independiente para luchar contra la opresi--n. El racismo no serán eliminados por el mero hecho de eliminar el capitalismo.

    La solidaridad internacional y la paz

    Personas en todo el mundo tienen más en común entre s' que con sus gobernantes. Condenamos la guerra, la preparaci--n para la guerra, y la cultura militarista, porque hacer estragos con la vida de la gente y desviar recursos de proyectos sociales constructivas. El militarismo también se concentra aún más poder en manos de unos pocos, los poderosos y los violentos. Estamos alineados con ninguna naci--n, pero s--lo con las personas que trabajan en todo el mundo.

    La democracia interna

    El socialismo y la democracia son uno e indivisible. El Partido Socialista es democrático, con su estructura y prácticas visibles y accesibles a todos los miembros. Nosotros rechazamos el dogma y promover el debate interno. El Partido Socialista es una organizaci--n de tendencia. Nosotros nos oriente en torno a nuestros principios y desarrollar un programa común, pero nuestros miembros tienen diferentes filosof'as subyacentes y las opiniones del mundo. Solidaridad en el seno del partido proviene de la capacidad de las personas con opiniones divergentes en algunos temas para participar en una lucha colectiva hacia la revoluci--n social. Nos esforzamos para desarrollar la práctica feminista en el seno del partido.

    Libertad de la Cultura

    El arte es una parte integral de la vida cotidiana. No debe ser tratada s--lo como una mercanc'a producida por la actividad de un grupo de elite. Los socialistas trabajamos para crear oportunidades para la participaci--n en las actividades art'sticas y culturales. Trabajamos para la restauraci--n y la preservaci--n de la historia y la cultura de las personas que trabajan, las mujeres y las minor'as oprimidas.

    Personal como Pol'tico

    Que viven bajo la dominaci--n y luchan contra ella una exacta personal de peaje. Socialistas respecto, la distorsi--n de la vida personal y las relaciones interpersonales en el capitalismo como un asunto pol'tico. El socialismo en última instancia, debe mejorar la calidad de vida, lo que no puede ser realizada por personal pidiendo que se sacrifique la vida para el movimiento. Nosotros valoramos el derecho de la privacidad personal y el enriquecimiento de la cultura a través de la diversidad.

    Acci--n Electoral

    Socialistas participar en el proceso electoral para presentar alternativas socialistas. El Partido Socialista no divorcio la pol'tica electoral de otras estrategias para el cambio de base. Si bien una minor'a, que lucha por cambios progresivos compatibles con un futuro socialista. Cuando una mayor'a vamos a introducir rápidamente los cambios, que constituyen el socialismo, con prioridad a la eliminaci--n del poder de las grandes empresas a través de la propiedad pública y de los trabajadores de control.

    Al participar en el gobierno local, los socialistas pueden apoyar los movimientos de los trabajadores y hacer las mejoras que ilustran el potencial de la propiedad pública. Apoyamos la acci--n electoral independiente de los capitalistas controladas dos sistema de partidos.

    Revoluci--n democrática desde abajo

    Grupo oprimido no ha sido liberado, salvo por sus propios esfuerzos organizados para derrocar a sus opresores. Una sociedad basada en la democracia radical, con el poder ejercido a través de las organizaciones de los pueblos, requiere una transformaci--n socialista desde abajo. People's organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution.

    Ellos pueden crecer s--lo en el curso de las luchas populares, especialmente de las mujeres, mano de obra, y los grupos minoritarios. El Partido Socialista trabaja para construir estas organizaciones democráticamente.

    El proceso de lucha profundamente las formas de los extremos alcanzados. Nuestras tácticas en la lucha por el cambio democrático radical reflejan nuestro objetivo final de una sociedad fundada en los principios de igualdad, la no explotaci--n y no violenta las relaciones entre todas las personas y entre todos los pueblos.

    Para ser libres hay que crear nuevos modelos para nuestras vidas y vivir en nuevas formas en medio de una sociedad que no entiende y es a menudo hostil a los nuevos, la mejora de los modos de vida. Nuestro objetivo es la creaci--n de un nuevo orden social, una sociedad en la que el comandante es el valor infinito valor de cada mujer, hombre y niño.

    -- Posted by Jacknife on Wed, Dec 17, 2008, at 6:18 PM
  • "Slavery had been a part of southern life for over 200 years, protected by not only STATE LAW...but FEDERAL LAW as well. The Constitution guarenteed the right to own property and protected everyone against SEIZURE of property....and as slaves were considered to be 'property' back far as the south was concerned, the Constitution had been violated and all bets were off."

    "The south felt a need to secede from the Union, get out from under 'D.C.'c thumb' and live under their own laws.........sort of a 'you take care of YOUR neighborhood, and we'll take care of ours, and we don't need a THING from you.'"

    Let's start with zeroing in on "as far as the south was concerned, the Constitution had been violated."

    - How? Slavery was not abolished until AFTER the confederacy began attacking and killing American soldiers. President Lincoln even gave confederate states three months to decide to return where they would STILL get to retain slavery before declaring emancipation for slaves in treasonous states in 1862. By YOUR OWN admission, federal law still RECOGNIZED slavery.

    How did the North intrude?

    "The Republican Party of the north was too friendly to abolitionists and nothern businessmen, and the abolitionists were hammering on the south."

    So the North intruded on the South by permitting Abolitionists their First Amendment rights, to criticize the South's denial of other Americans THEIR first amendment rights among many other liberties? Don't Abolitionists deserve to be represented as constituents, just like when Southern legislators forced the Fugitive Slave Act and a war with Mexico on the North?

    It sounds like two of the South's major grievances were that civil liberties and democratic representation could extend to people they didn't agree with.

    "Northern abolitionist John Brown actually STARTED it all, when he and his band raided a federal armory in Harper's Ferry, Virginia, to steal weapons, intending to arm slaves with to turn on their masters. He was caught and hung in Charlestown."

    Sounds like it cannot be said that John Brown, probably even by your standards, got off with a slap on the wrist. Am I understanding correctly that beyond Brown's execution, you believe the South was holding the North accountable for one man's actions? Is that the Confederate idea of justice? Can we riot and loot Virginia over Michael Vick's crimes?

    Of course, when it comes to the idea of John Brown as a criminal, some just don't see him that way. Some would see a man who tried to liberate people. Hell, some could note he was restoring the slaves' Second Amendment rights to them. Of course, some aren't so quick to rationalize treating people as property away because it was "a part of southern life for over 200 years." To rationalize their attitude as "you take care of YOUR neighborhood, and we'll take care of ours, and we don't need a THING from you."

    Except they had no intention of "taking care of their neighborhood" - their plan was to continue to detain their neighbor against their will and deprive them of their rights. And no, one doesn't "have to understand" their perspective on slavery any more than one "has to understand" why Hitler, Tojo, Batista, Pincohet, Castro, or Islamic theocrats deprive their neighbors of their rights.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Thu, Dec 18, 2008, at 2:57 AM
  • There is a glimmer of truth to some of the complaints about port tariffs. But not enough to justify taking up arms against your country.

    Not when they could've either upped the prices of tobacco, cotton, etc. entering Northern markets to make them cry uncle; or - if they weren't so expediently invested in a "no federal intervention" philosophy so they could locally deny individuals liberty - they could've sought federal intervention on the Northern ports. - Of course, they had no problem setting those principles aside for using the Fugitive Slave Act to impose slavery on the North.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Thu, Dec 18, 2008, at 3:06 AM
  • You're asking me several questions -

    "Once again, WHAT do you suppose Obama and our beloved Conress of lifelong members are going to DO about it?"

    "Please tell us what you think Obama & these crooks he's surrounding himself with, are going to do? How are THEY going to get our respect and sovereignty back?"

    I've spent my time commenting on this blog the past couple months, off and on, consistently answering those questions when you fall back on them like crutches. This time I'll just cut and paste my own quotes.

    I hope the new administration "gets us out of Iraq while minimizing U.S. casualties, delivers tax relief to the middle-class so they have the money to spend to keep stores open and Americans working, and, at the very least regarding trade, blocks any more trade deals that force Americans to compete for employment with child labor and the 16-hour day." That was my answer back on Nov. 9.

    "I hope he successfully withdraws the U.S. from Iraq while minimizing U.S. casualties, reduces the tax burden on the middle class by shifting it elsewhere - preferably onto unearned income, resists pressure to devalue American labor with unrestricted trade deals, and closes the regulatory loopholes that allowed banking and finance to reclassify transactions to escape oversight." Me, back on Nov. 29.

    I hope Obama and the congressional majority "get us out of Iraq, give tax relief to the middle-class, (and) not reward every dictatorship we talk to with a propaganda coup just for some counterproductive posturing on Iran." Me on Oct. 25.

    (You responded to THAT comment by speculating that there's "gotta be something in the water back" here on the East Coast - actually, you're right, but more on that later.)

    I believe the new administration's priorities should be "Getting out of Iraq, shifting the tax burden off the middle-class, not blindly cheerleading every anti-labor trade deal that comes along (and it pains me greatly Bill Clinton's capitulation on that has left such being about the best I can hope for), going after the Al-Qaida leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan, regulating the markets to protect the financial security of the public instead of chalking it all up to being 'cyclical,'" Me, all the way back on Sept. 19.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Dec 19, 2008, at 1:57 AM
  • And of course, you're issuing a request.

    "I do NOT trust this government, Mike. If you DO, please tell us why."

    I don't trust anybody. That's why I want independent state and federal agencies that can efficiently police both each other and private enterprises - , much like Blago's crimes were exposed through the work of a PUBLIC servant, U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. The "get rid of government, scale back the government, regulations are TOO burdensome" philosophy leads to an economy led by Kenneth Lay, Conrad Black and John Rigas. Maybe homeland and border security can be managed by the private firm at the Peach Bottom nuclear plant where the guards were rotating shifts on certain floors so they could intentionally sleep on the job.

    What's in the water on the East Coast? In Ohio, it's chemicals to suppress the Cuyahoga River's flammibility, created by long-past decades of allowing big business to dump waste into it. The anti-regulation philosophy led to a major river being FLAMMABLE. In Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and parts of New Jersey, it's phosphorus from private farms' fertilizers, and it's killing the Chesapeake Bay's fishing industries. So do we go after the business interests responsible? No, instead municipalities, which only contributed miniscule amounts to the problem anyways, are told they can't discharge ANY phosphorus, requiring sewage plant upgrades and substantial increases in consumers' bills.

    Does the government need tougher penalties for malfeasance, more transparency, better auditing of expenditures? Absolutely. We should always go after crooks, even when they are in the government. Is cutting the funding and mandate for the government going to do that? No, instead it'll just reward all the crooks outside the government.

    And yes, I believe the government can do the things I've referenced here and in the last comment while still preserving the individual liberties promised in the Bill of Rights.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Dec 19, 2008, at 2:17 AM
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