The Third Man

Posted Thursday, September 11, 2008, at 9:42 AM
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  • Hey there, don't drink that "Palin Kool-Aid" too quick... ya might choke on it! Gov. Palin is a schill and we all know it. One can NOT serve two masters, and trust me Palin is gonna do whatever she's TOLD to do by McCain and the neocons... because she IS a neocon. TRUE supporters of Ron Paul will NOT rollover and compromise their respect for the U.S. Constitution by voting for McCain and Palin. You're being fooled, and what's worse, you're trying to get everybody else to believe the lie that you so blindly believe. Wake Up! Palin will be every bit as effective as Dan Quayle!

    -- Posted by theboywholived on Thu, Sep 11, 2008, at 10:53 AM
  • My 2 cents:

    If the naive American public wants another passive government then they should go ahead and vote in OBAMA. Let's see what happened last time a passive leader was in the white house:

    Jun 96 Khobar towers, 19 servicemen lost their lives. Oct 2000, USS Cole, 17 servicemen lost their lives. How did our leader react? By pointing his finger at the TV and saying "I did not have relations with that woman." We were told that Bin Laden and al Qeada were no threat. We had Bin Laden's head on a platter 2 times but decided to let him go. And what ultimately happened: September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, best friends were the victims hate for America and our way of life.

    Do people really think that Obama will do anything in retaliation, God forbid, anything happens? I really don't think so. IF somebody wants to poke us in the eye or give us a gut shot like 9/11, we should come out swinging!! "Dialogue" in this day and age will only get more people hurt.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to spew negativity or hate. I'm just trying to spew "Wake-up, America!!" We don't need another 9/11 to come together. And we don't need another leader in the White House playing with cigars, so to speak.

    Good ol' Ronnie. Anyone remember Colonel Gaddafi before this week?...Didn't Think so…

    -- Posted by clam chowder on Thu, Sep 11, 2008, at 11:19 AM
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