
Posted Monday, June 2, 2008, at 6:01 PM
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  • I agree with you on some things and disagree with you on others and I believe that is the case for most people, since no two people are alike when you get right down to it. That is why I think the biggest problem that we have is the two party system. I have been told before that we don't have a two party system, but I disagree. There are only two people who have a shot at the presidency (or most other offices) and they are the republican and the democratic candidates. I believe that if we ever find a way to fix this, we will start moving toward electing the best candidate for the job, but that is nearly impossible today.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Tue, Jun 3, 2008, at 12:37 PM
  • I don't believe that it matters if Ron Paul runs or not. I don't think he stands a chance and even if he did win the democrats and republicans still control everything else.

    Something has to change, I'll give you that and you have to start somewhere, but I don't see a big enough change happening anytime soon. Please prove me wrong.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Wed, Jun 4, 2008, at 8:20 AM
  • I'm not sure what all of the worrying about guns is all about. I'm not too worried about it myself, but then again I don't want to possess an assualt rifle or in your case a bazooka.

    I agree with Ron Paul on many things, but I disagree with him on Iraq and taxes. I'm not even sure where he stands on energy and the environment, but he seems to avoid serious discussion there by turning the conversation to Iraq and war for oil.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Wed, Jun 4, 2008, at 10:19 AM
  • "Nobody NEEDS an assault rifle, but if we "comprimise" there, it will not STOP there."

    So, what if I want an RPG or a nuclear warhead. Is it okay with you if I have those?

    "IRAQ..........as one who fought in Vietnam, I will tell you first hand, we have no business in Iraq. Every war from Korea forward.....has been a U.N. resolution."

    I disagree. Saddam was doing his best to lead us to believe that he had WMDs and was not living up to the sanctions. I do agree with you however, that we should get out of the U.N. (quickly).

    "Fact: We have not lost any troops for OUR country since World War II, and NOWHERE in our Constitution does it say that America is supposed to be the "world's policeman." Nowhere."

    I disagree and feel that what you are saying is very disrespectful to our servicemen and women. By the way, the Constitution was written, by men, over two hundered years ago. While they were great men they were still men and therefore not perfect and neither is the document. A lot has changed in 200+ years. We can't wait for threats/issues to reach our shores before we respond.

    "Taxes. Illegal."

    I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you pay taxes, just like I do.

    "We need to get our noses out of everyone else's business, and start looking after number ONE, before we lose it."

    I disagree with the first part of this statement, because that is critical in looking out for #1.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Thu, Jun 5, 2008, at 10:07 AM
  • Bazooka:

    Have you joined Ron Paul's campaign? I would like to get a sign to put in my yard, do you know where I can find one??

    -- Posted by Missylynn on Thu, Jun 5, 2008, at 11:39 AM
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