A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Posted Thursday, April 17, 2008, at 11:27 PM
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  • I hope there is a very strong write-in candidate, or else I don't know what I'll do. I'm leaning toward McCain, and I haven't had a reason to vote Republican in years.

    By the way, it's always bothered me, even as a child in school years ago, that the men at the Boston Tea Party were apparently so cowardly that they went in disguise...

    -- Posted by senior lady on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 8:18 PM
  • Sorry, Mike; feeling witchy.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 9:11 PM
  • MichaelThe most succinct arguments I have heard on the matters you raise can be found in the form of essays at www.louisbeam.com Start with an essay entitled Multiculturalism.

    While you may not agree with all of Mr. Beam's views, he is a decorated Vietnam veteran, and he has provided material and ideological support to the national effort to erect a viable and realistic plan of self defense in the event of an illegal military operation against the citizens of the US, such as a gun grab.

    One of these concepts is called Leaderless Resistance: The Phantom Cell. It was first conceived by an American Army General in the fifties in case of Soviet takeover. In effect, it is one to three man cells who belong to no hierarchal movement or oganization (Can't be infilitrated and the cell is invisible and silent about their beliefs). These people will know what to do, they don't take orders from any centralized command. They will have the popular support of the true community and will operate much like the Irish Republican Army. If the climate permits, there will be a political arm like Sinn Fein to provide propaganda, ideological support, and vague leadership.

    Northern Ireland provides the perfect example of how guerilla warfare, populist resistance, community support and strong nationalist fervor can create a network of resistance that oppressors are actually powerless to shut down. Please visit Youtube and enter: Irish Republican Army and then Louis Beam. Watch some of these videos.

    You are reading the writing on the wall right, Mike. The time is closer than most of us realize.

    Also check out Militia of Montana.

    Guns are not the issue, there are millions of them everywhere. The government currently holds the people in check not by force of arms but by ideological propaganda disseminated through the controlled media. They broadcast images of themselves raiding homes and compounds on the news as a form of psychological warfare, that they might appear much stronger than what they actually are.

    I do NOT advocate civil war or overthrow against the government or the rule of law, only self defense for people who have not violated the law. In closing may I say you have been critical of those you might term conspiracy theorists. The far right are the ONLY element of this nation who have created any real system of self defense and community support. I'm not talking about media poster boys of the right like Tim McViegh--I mean the real law abiding people who are as much against anarchy, terrorism and civil war as they are government tyranny. There is a need for people like yourself in that movement, people with military experience and true patriotism. Please check out Bo Gritz's writings and videos. Not only can the New World Order be successfully fought and defeated, IT WILL BE.

    Remember that the founders were accused of Treason, Also remember that they were not the largest numbered faction in the country (third loyalist, third independence, third non-commital), so don't look for widespread approval of these ideas at the present time. In fact is better not to publicly speak of them.

    Popular support will come when there are checkpoints on the streets and security forces are shooting kids like in Northern Ireland and jailing political dissidents and curfew violaters. Then there will be plenty of safehouses and material support for the patriots. Through God, all things are possible. As God was with us when this nation was founded, so shall He be with us again when we stand up for His principles and retrieve our nation from the hands of the Internationalists.Peace.

    -- Posted by ritewing on Sun, Apr 27, 2008, at 2:23 PM
  • Never said anything about not agreeing with the Revolution...just have a problem with sneakiness (is that a word?): Putting the blame on another group is pretty low.

    Throwing that tea in the harbor? No problem with that. Bearing arms against the English forces? No problem with that either, either in the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812.

    Emotional buzz words are tiring. I love this country in spite of some very serious problems, and I don't like to be razzle-dazzled on an emotional level in an attempt to be provoked.

    My father, grandfathers (and on and on way back) and my husband and sons have all worn their uniforms well, no bragging necessary.

    Well, I guess I was provoked after all.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Fri, May 2, 2008, at 11:03 AM
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