That it Wasn't in Vain, Part III

Posted Thursday, March 13, 2008, at 1:16 PM
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  • I doubt that this plan would ever happen because as soon as they ordered the military to start attacking their own citizens there would be massive internal revolt and it would be chaos. I know a great many men and women in the armed forces who would NEVER participate in this sort of action.

    -- Posted by mattnielsen on Thu, Mar 13, 2008, at 2:36 PM
  • I would certainly hope so! Actually, I have no doubt you are right!

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Mar 13, 2008, at 8:27 PM
  • Mattnielsen:

    I hope you're right about that. I believe a soldiers main objective is to follow orders, and I believe it has been proven more times than not that people are able to be brain washed.

    Case in point, the American citizens allowed all these gun laws to pass because they were brain washed into believing that guns kill people.

    I also believe that is how the chip implants will succeed. The Media will start telling people how helpful it will be to have this chip (lojack) implanted into your baby, how it will keep them safe, that you will always know where your kid is. They will say things like if your child is ever kidnapped they will be able to find them instantly because of this chip. And then bam it turns into the GOVERNMENT watching your every move.

    It sounds like the end of this book I've heard about.........

    Love the blog Bazookaman

    -- Posted by Missylynn on Fri, Mar 14, 2008, at 2:38 PM
  • A soldiers is expected to follow LAWFUL orders but, generally speaking, the brainwashing days are long over. I have a son in law who is currently a drill instructor for basic training troops for the Army and he tells me often what a joke it has become. Even when I went through basic back in '94 it was already starting to get pretty pathetic, but I guess now it is just laughable. As far as I know the Marines are the only ones who still have a decent boot camp that churns out real warriors. Aside from that the only ones you have are the elites, like the Special Forces and the SEALS. But all those guys are bogged down in Iraq anyways so none of them are ever around to respond to the order in a timely manner.

    As far as the chip implants and things go, I just don't see it happening. There are too many bible thumping Christians in this country that will see that as the mark of the beast and they will never go for it.

    And just because they pass gun laws doesn't keep people from having them. As long as guns are made people will have them, and unless we can figure out how to stop the manufacture of millions upon millions of guns around the world people will always have guns.

    Since this law is a secret and I am willing to bet that the majority of service members haven't a clue it even exists the first thing they are going to do is question it. I would. If my superiors gave me an order to engage civilians in my home town there is no way I would do it. Neither would the vast majority of the military people I know. I think this document was written in a different time for a different military and if they tried to enact it now it would just be chaos.

    The powers that be that wrote this law back in the 80's sort of killed it with their dumbing down of the military. If it was ever attempted I think it would just be anarchy.

    -- Posted by mattnielsen on Fri, Mar 14, 2008, at 6:03 PM
  • If the Marines are ever turned loose on the civilian population, you can find my behind living out the rest of my days in British Columbia.

    -- Posted by mrfresh28 on Mon, Mar 17, 2008, at 9:50 AM
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