That it Wasn't in Vain, Part II

Posted Monday, March 3, 2008, at 9:49 AM
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  • bazookaman, you know my feelings. I don't have anything against gun ownership; but I feel a great need for something to be done to prevent gun abuse by ingoramuses. These are the folks who have no sense about protecting their right to gun ownership by keeping them properly closeted and away from children and thieves.

    Whenever a tragedy occurs because of these no-brainers, ALL gunowners are pronounced guilty.

    It would seem to me that those of us who care most about the right to gun ownership should be foremost in the fight to make sure, no matter what it takes, that all gunowners follow simple, no nonsense rules.

    Does that take laws, licensing? Maybe, but whatever it takes, something has to be done before the right to own a gun is gone.

    By the way, dear, I've been around a lot longer than you and have seen a lot; things are not quite as bad as they might seem. (Which is not to say things are rosy; of course they're not.)

    You have mentioned David Rockefeller. I don't think I know him. Could you tell me about him? I have quite a low attention span these days, so just the bare facts will do. Thanks.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Fri, Mar 7, 2008, at 5:56 PM
  • Bazookaman:

    I agree with you that Mom & Dad need to teach their children about guns, I believe they should be the ones teaching their children all of the fundimentals of life.

    But for arguement sake what if now and days Mom & Dad don't feel like they have the power to do that anymore? I'm a mother of 3 kids and I do a variety of punishments from discussion and restriction to spanking if necessary (I'll probably end up in jail now), but at any time if my child were to tell a teacher that I hurt him then all of a sudden I would have a group of police officers at my door ready to hall me away. Then have to go through a bunch of red tape to get all of my kids back because according to the law if she hurts one she's hurting them all. All to find out that my child may have misspoke or was unable to convey what he was actually feeling.

    Is it possible that through all of the nosey people in the world, and the fact that lawyers are basic jerks. That laws to prosecute real child abusers have been distorted to affect parents just trying to do their job of raising their kids?

    My opinion of Government in our home lives too much!!!! I for one wouldn't mind if they stuck to what they do best which is nothing.....

    Oh and by the way I would like to figure out how to vote Term limits and salary caps on Congressional positions!!!!!

    -- Posted by Missylynn on Mon, Mar 10, 2008, at 5:40 PM
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