Letter to the Editor

Reader says Thanks for Help

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

It is great to know we live in a caring community that have citizens willing to assist strangers.

On Tuesday the 24, we were crossing the street to have breakfast at the Manhattan Cafe when my wife tripped on the raised part of the new pavement, falling face down sustaining what appeared to be serious injuries. Her fall was witnessed by Melissa inside the restaurant and as I cradled my wife’s head and turned her onto her back Melissa from the cafe was at her side talking with her which was comforting to both of us. As I reached for my phone to call 911, she advised that the call was already placed by a customer. As we waited for the ambulance, Becky brought out ice wrapped in a towel to be placed on my wife’s forehead and Melissa remained by her side. A construction worker removed his jacket, rolled it up and offered it as a pillow for her. They will never know how much their concern for her meant to us.

And no words can express our heartfelt love to Eddie and Sharyl Cantrell, our daughter and son in law for dropping everything and rushing to make sure we had everything we needed at the time and days later. We couldn’t be more fortunate.

Tho this was unfortunate situation, we are ever grateful to Melissa, Becky, and all who assisted us at our time in need. May God bless and be with you


Kathy and Don Mecklin

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