Wind Gust take off Awnings and Breaks Glass at Businesses

As we are finishing up tomorrows paper and listening to the wind and the scanner there was a report of damage to businesses due to a wind gust reported at approximately 6 p.m . I walked over and it is advised to stay away for the immediate time being as there is a large amount of glass and debris on Jackson between Main and Second and blocked by MHPD. Traffic coming from under the underpass may go forward. Be prepared for possible delays as they attempt to clear shattered glass that had reached the middle of the 4 way light intersection.

Two awnings had come off the building and smashed glass windows at two of the businesses with the blunt of the damage being the Donut Tree to include glass frame damage as well. MHPD are attempting to reach all business owners and get affected businesses boarded. One of the officers on scene was concerned that those awnings still attached present a safety hazard.