Message from MHFD Chief Mark Moore
Citizens of Mountain Home,
As the Chief of the Mountain Home Fire Department, it is my first responsibility to protect the citizens and visitors of this community from the dangers of fire and other emergencies. Every decision that I make is for the safety of the public, health of the department and well-being of its members.
Anyone in a position of leadership, such as a Fire Chief, is required to make decisions, sometimes rather tough decisions. When we make those tough decisions, there are bound to be people who disagree. When personnel issues arise within our department, steps must be taken to maintain the department's continued ability to effectively accomplish its mission, as well as to protect all individuals involved. I have had to make tough decisions recently to improve the health and effectiveness of the department. These decisions were supported by Mayor Sykes but were in no way influenced by him.
Unfortunately, sometimes among these critics are those who have made it their personal crusade to discredit us. Recently there have been false insinuations and rumors that the level of service and safety we provide has been compromised. This could not be farther from the truth. We have 35 dedicated members within this department who are deeply committed to protecting the citizens of this community. I can assure you that at no time has the level of safety or service been compromised or diminished. We continue to respond with personnel who are committed, experienced and highly trained to provide the most professional level of service available.
The MHFD is committed to continuing to upgrade and improve on our services to this community. In doing so, changes must be made along the way. We must stay current on modern firefighting tactics, practices and training. By continuing to project and predict how population and growth will affect the City of Mountain Home, the MHFD can keep pace with changing circumstances to ensure we are able to provide you with the best service available, now and in the future.
To create excellence, you must have a great vision. Great visions are initiated by leaders. They are shared and supported by committed firefighters who act as a team to bring the vision to reality.
The safety and well-being of our community members is, and always has been, my top priority. Our plans and goals are implemented to assure the citizens of Mountain Home that the fire protection we provide will continue to meet our communities’ expectations of the greatest level of protection and care. With the support of the Mayor, City Council and Rural Fire Commissioners, we will be able to see these goals come to fruition.
It is my great honor to serve as the Fire Chief of this community and the City of Mountain Home and I look forward to continuing that service to you.
Mark D. Moore
Fire Chief, MHFD