
Naive but not discouraged: Looking back...

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

This year has certainly been a whirlwind, at least for me. I started off the year at school in Pocatello, and I'm ending the year back home working for the Mountain Home News.

But this week's editorial isn't about me, it's about you — the hard working men and women who go to work at all hours of the day and night to benefit our community in some way. While dealing with hectic lifestyles, you still make time for your family, friends and even the Mountain Home News.

Whether you have a yearly subscription or just pick up a paper when you can, you help keep us going. You truly are the backbone of our newspaper, because without you, who would we inform each week?

Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for helping out the Mountain Home News this year! You deserve a thank you.

Picking up a newspaper is just the first step, though. Don't forget that without members of the community informing us on local issues, some important events don't get reported on — I need your help to change that.

I encourage everyone to submit story ideas, information about local meetings or even snippets of information to the editorial staff. You can call us at (208)587-3331 or email us at editor@mountainhomenews.com.

"But wait, what about things on Facebook I think you guys should know?" Don't worry, you can reach out to us on social media too.

Send articles to the Mountain Home News Facebook page, or use #MoHoinformant to help us keep the paper packed with current and relevant information.

Thank you again for helping out the Mountain Home News this year; let's keep that going in 2018.

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