Police Lt. Humberto Fuentes joins Police Lt. Jesse Cobos as they present a shadow box containing various memorabilia to Police Cpl. Stan Winings, who was honored by local officials during a ceremony on Friday. Winings will retire from the Mountain Home Police Department following a total of 33 years of service to the Mountain Home community, which includes his time as a reserve officer.
Winings receives a hug from Sadu Simpson as she and members of the Mountain Home Citizens on Patrol team made a presentation to the retiring officer. During the ceremony, officials paused to reflect on the difference Winings made to the Mountain Home community. They recognized his efforts to create the Citizens on Patrol program here 20 years ago along with serving on the community's bike patrol. Police Chief Nick Schilz also honored the police corporal's volunteer service with the Elmore Ambulance Service — a duty he still performs.