Try recycling old trophies
Dear editor,
I have a question for those in the Mountain Home community. Do you have old awards, trophies or plaques that are collecting dust or forgotten in storage? As a bowler for 57 years and a retiree of the U.S. Air Force, I had lots of awards sitting around, and I decided to donate my awards to the local youth bowling league.
All you have to do is remove your name from the trophy or plaque. This was easily done with most of my awards by simply sliding off or unscrewing the engraved portion of the award.
Then contact Paula Szafranski at 587-2104 or 832-2007. Paula can also be e-mailed at
Your old trophies, plaques or folders which held letters of appreciation are all gladly accepted.
Call it recycling, community spirit or spring cleaning. The kids in the local youth bowling league will greatly appreciate winning your old, refurbished awards. Thank you.
-- Chris R. Lacey, Mountain Home citizen
(and average bowler)