One reader's POTUS view
Everybody else is running, I might as well too. If the general election was tomorrow, I'd simply write in my own name, since I DO trust ME.
As an American, I'm more qualified than most of the current field, not because I was born here, but because I still believe in what was once this country. Times change, but right and wrong do not.
First, I would repeal all the damage Obama has done, then seal the borders, not with walls, but with armed troops, who would no longer be stationed anywhere overseas. We are neither the world's policeman nor their welfare office.
Foreign aid? Gone. Unless of course somebody wants to help US for once (Don't hold your breath).
We get OUT of the U.N. and throw the U.N. out of this country. As a symbolic anti "one world order" gesture of freedom, I would give the U.N. building itself, to the NRA.
No federal funds for any "sanctuary city", not even for state of emergency. The American taxpayers shouldn't pay for "creep coddling." You want' em, you support 'em.
Flat tax, all levels, no exceptions. IRS gone. Don't listen to socialists who entice minority voters with all this "free stuff". NOTHING is free and if you aren't helping pay the freight, you've got no skin in the game, pal. The world doesn't owe you anything just because you're gracing us all with your presence.
The fate of convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters etc, would be decided by the victims' families, not the courts, and NOT taken decades to carry out, either. To "carry" or "not carry" a gun, is YOUR choice, not some bureaucrat's. (In a FREE country, anyway). If you don't like guns, don't buy one.
Under a Bradbury presidency, if my grandkids' rated armed security in their schools, so would YOURS if you so desired. And we don't pay ransom to terrorists, especially for those too stupid to stay OUT of known rogue countries to begin with.
Where government is concerned, I would push for term limits on EVERYBODY. Supreme Court judges would have to be voted upon every 4 years just like everyone else, (Ruth Ginsberg struggles to stay awake, and is back there making major decisions). THEY work for US, (or have we all forgotten?).
In my administration, my cabinet wouldn't be friends and fellow sect members. Instead of turning to ex-lawyers to draft up programs, MEDICAL people would compose healthcare programs, people like Trump or Perot would handle trade and other economy issues. I would have lawmen like Joe Arpaio and Richard Mack running this country's security departments.
Veterans would no longer be 2nd class citizens, having sacrificed in combat doing the government's dirty work, only to be shoved aside later, living under overpasses while politicians cater to illegals and "refugees" for future votes.
And by Executive Order, supermarket aisle signs saying "crackers" would be banned. I find it racially offensive. Well, like I said at the start of this letter, "everyone ELSE is."
-- Mike Bradbury,
Mountain Home