How to cook a turkey from a child's perspective

It has become a tradition at the Mountain Home News every Thanksgiving to ask second- and third-grade students in local schools to write stories about how to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner.
The recipes on "How to Cook a Turkey" are provided below, for our readers' enjoyment, just as they were turned in to us -- complete with the students' current expertise in spelling and grammar. It's part of their charm.
It's not recommended that anyone actually follow these recipes, but they give a clue as to how children perceive the work that goes into the nation's celebration of family and thanksgiving. Last names have been withheld due to privacy reasons (and just in case something might be a trifle bit embarrassing).
Because of the overwhelming response we have from the schools and the students to participate, we can select only one school a year. This year, East Elementary School was selected. We hope you enjoy this look at Thanksgiving from the perspective of the little ones.
In addition, we thank the advertisers sponsoring these recipe cards and helping us provide this special section.
See over 100 recipes from local students in Section B of this week's newspaper.
For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.