City entering exciting era
Dear editor,
Mountain Home has entered an exciting era!
Construction of our family recreation center is upon us!
The debt-free, $4.2 million, 25,000 square foot facility will change lives in the most positive ways! (The $5.1M project includes vital non-construction costs of professional services, permits, etc.)
Our family recreation center, owned by us, operated by the Treasure Valley YMCA, and built without any obligation to long-term loan payments is an enormous accomplishment! Congratulations Mountain Home!
I'd like to share an anonymous saying that urges me forward and contributes to my dedication with the Recreation District; because it describes exactly what Mountain Home is about to profoundly experience.
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but no one can count the apples in a seed."
Our seed? This incredible facility that will be accessible to all!
The apples? Every life enriched. Every person learning new ways to be healthy. Every program we develop together. Each family recreating together and with other families. Our town as new, highly qualified employees are recruited and retained in Mountain Home raising their families and contributing to the social fabric and tax base of our town. Each person donating time, knowledge or funding for the enrichment of others. The partnerships that will flourish and bring even greater good. Our belief in ourselves. Our pride. Young people who believe in possibilities and strive for excellence.
As a community full of wonderful people, we had the same discussions, reservations, and struggles about the need for a library and a hospital when they were proposed, funded and built. But 'look at them apples' now! Consider all the good those two controversial 'seeds', now focal points of our town, do to enrich, protect, educate, heal and promote community cohesiveness and pride. Both require tax dollars. Both are worth it.
I look forward to our ground breaking Nov. 6th at 3:30 p.m. (Directly across from the H.S. football field and track). It is a time to thank you all for your vision in establishing the recreation district and for your belief in the benefits this facility will bring to our home! Please come participate in your community's growth! This celebration is for all of us!
Together we can do so much more!
-- Mollie Marsh, director
Western Elmore County
Recreation District